
Meet the Artist & the Debater Who Are Out to Change the World

SuahL&CatherineY Jingkids 2023-07-23


This year's Jingkids Summer Internship has officially started. Let's meet the team!

Catherine Y 

Crafts a Visual Narrative

Catherine Y is a 17-year-old born-and-raised Beijing native. She attended bilingual schools including Beijing International Bilingual Academy (BIBA) and Keystone Academy during her elementary and middle school years and is currently attending boarding school in Sheffield, Massachusetts.

Catherine has a wide range of hobbies, including drawing, creative writing, and playing squash, something she’s been doing for three years already.

Her love for drawing allows her to use observational skills while adding her unique spin – her personal favorite is Music, a self-portrait of herself that she likes as it depicts her in a happy mood while listening to music, one of her favorite hobbies.

With a particular interest in nonfiction and poetry, she hopes to use her creative expression as a platform for others to feel seen and heard.

In the classroom, she excels in English and Creative Writing, which she hopes to pursue professionally in the future.

Through the Jingkids internship, she strives to express herself and hopes to inspire others to do the same. In addition, she hopes this experience will inspire her to become a better leader at her current school, where she serves as editor-in-chief of the newspaper and managing editor for the literary journal. 

This DCB Debater 

is Making a Difference 

in Society

Suah R is a 17-year-old Korean girl who has lived in China since the age of six. She attends Dulwich College Beijing and is fluent in English, Korean, and Chinese, with aspirations to learn more languages in the future to aid her travels.

Suah is passionate about writing short stories, and exploring fiction such as movies, books, and TV shows. She is an avid reader, with “No Longer Human” and “The Picture of Dorian Gray” among her favorite books, and is particularly interested in exploring social issues reflected throughout different literature.

Through this internship, Suah is keen to use her writing to make a difference in society, contributing to the international community in Beijing while reclaiming her Korean identity. She is passionate about raising awareness of social justice issues such as feminism and socioeconomic inequalities and uses her skills, including writing and critical theory, in hopes of making a difference. This is channeled through debate, which she loves: actively engaging in and discussing ideas with her peers, she has judged and taken part in many different competitions, such as her school’s Model United Nations and Asian Parliamentary-style debates, which she began at the age of 11. 

Her favorite memories include the school community, such as her Politics class discussions and judging school showcase debates. Using these skills, Suah aims to pursue careers and majors in related fields, such as Global Politics, Sociology, and English Literature and hopes that she can promote these values in the future.

Images: Images: Catherine Y, Suah L

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