
Have You Met Any Beijing Newbies Lately?

Mina Yan Jingkids 2023-07-23


Recently, at my daughter's school event one mom looked lost, scared, and a bit out of place. She stood off to the corner and didn't approach anyone, so, sensing her hesitance, I went over to introduce myself. I found out that she was new to China, didn't speak the language, and, being a first-time mom as well, was also navigating this whole international school thing on her own for the first time.

She and I immediately hit it off and arranged a few fun playdates for our kids. It was during one of those playdates when she told me how grateful she was that I took the initiative to approach her and welcome her to the school community. She said that she was so nervous that day that she just knew she never would have made the first move to meet anyone. It wasn't until that moment that I remembered that, unlike many of us, there are still plenty of newbies who just moved here. Everything is new for them and it can be a scary experience navigating their new lives while keeping their cool and calm in front of their kids.

Everything that we take for granted to make my daily life easier was new to her. Over the course of our first week of hanging out I showed her how to use apps like Didi, Meituan, Roundabout's mini program, and I introduced her to buy-sell groups and wine importers.

For those with new friends and neighbors who are new to life in Beijing, be sure to ask them to download WeChat and to follow jingkids on WeChat. Help them help themselves make life in Beijing fun and enjoy all the convenience that life in Beijing offers.

Images: Pexels, Mina Yan

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