
🌼Tens of thousands of tourists flock to see cherry blossoms

2017-03-28 Alex Linder Shanghaiist
Follow Shanghaiist

Spring is here! That means tens of thousands of tourists descending upon the ancient Chinese capital of Nanjing to experience the beauty of nature together by taking pics of all the cherry trees in bloom. Ah, there's nothing quite like the great outdoors.

Each year, in late March and early April, Nanjing's iconic cherry trees draw tourists from across the country who traditionally arrive to ravage the trees in search of the perfect selfies.

But at least in this photo set there wasn't any pillaging to be found. Just your usual hellish crowds and girls with things on their heads.

If you dare to try to see the blossoms for yourself, you better hurry up, time is running out.

[Images via NetEase]


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