
Shanghaiist 2018-05-25

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What’s worse than a snake in your toilet, how about a cockroach in your ear?

Recently, a woman from Shenzhen surnamed Huang awoke suddenly in the night. Feeling a sharp pain in her ear and hearing soft footsteps, she immediately went to the hospital where a doctor discovered a foreign object in her ear.

Using tweezers, the doctor quickly and carefully extracted the object, which turned out to be a cockroach.


For those who don’t want roaches setting up residence inside their ears, the doctor has recommended that you stop regularly cleaning your ears, as the wax will act as a bit of barrier to the bug.

But, if the worst does happen and a cockroach climbs in, it’s important not to panic and not to try to dig the critter out by yourself, because that will likely only make it burrow deeper. Instead, you should pour some warm water into your ear to paralyze the roach before heading to the nearest hospital to have it removed.

Unfortunately, this piece of advice comes too late for one Chengdu man who sprayed insecticide into his ear last February, in a last-ditch effort to kill the cockroach that had taken shelter inside. While the bug spray did indeed kill the roach, it also caused the man’s ear canal to swell up, trapping the dead bug’s body inside.


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