
李国元 唐新明 |《测绘学报(英文版)》(JGGS)精选论文

JGGS 智绘科服 2021-09-21

Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science

构建与学术的桥梁        拉近与权威的距离

🔷Title l 题目

Influence of Range Gate Width on Detection Probability and Ranging Accuracy of Single Photon Laser Altimetry Satellite

🔷Citation l 引文格式

Guoyuan LI,Fanghong YE,Xinming TANG,Dongping XIE,Jiapeng HUANG,Genhua HUANG. Influence of Range Gate Width on Detection Probability and Ranging Accuracy of Single Photon Laser Altimetry Satellite[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2020, 3(2): 36-44. DOI: 10.11947/ j.JGGS.2020.0204.

🔷Abstract l 摘要

The influence of the single photon laser altimeter range-gate width on the detection probability and ranging accuracy is discussed and analyzed, according to the LiDAR equation, single photon detection equation and the Monte Carlo method to simulate the experiment. The simulated results show that the probability of detection is not affected by the range gate, while the probability of false alarm is relative to the gate width. When the gate width is 100ns, the ranging accuracy can accord with the requirements of satellite laser altimeter. But when the range gate width exceeds 400ns, ranging accuracy will decline sharply. The noise ratio will be more as long as the range gate to get larger, so the refined filtering algorithm during the data processing is important to extract the useful photons effectively. In order to ensure repeated observation of the same point for 25 times, we deduce the quantitative relation between the footprint size, footprint, and frequency repetition according to the parameters of ICESat-2. The related conclusions can provide some references for the design and the development of the domestic single photon laser altimetry satellite.

🔷Key words l 关键词

satellite laser altimeter; range gate; ranging accuracy; detection probability; monte carlo; single photon laser

🔷About the Authors l 作者简介

Guoyuan LI, Fanghong YE, Xinming TANG, Dongping XIE, Jiapeng HUANG, Genhua HUANG.

  • Guoyuan LI



  • Xinming TANG


现任自然资源部国土卫星遥感应用中心总工程师,武汉大学、河海大学、山东科技大学等高校兼职教授,国际摄影测量与遥感学会(ISPRS) WG 1/4 组长、中国地理信息产业协会遥感影像应用工作委员会主任委员、国际对地观测组织(CEO) 执委会主席代表。主持承担高分辨率卫星测绘应用系统项目30多项,曾获得国家科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖3项、省部级科技进步特等奖和一等奖5项,发表学术论文210余篇,其中SCI/EI收录100多篇,出版中文专著5部、英文专著1部,获取国家发明专利39项、软件著作权39项,主持编制卫星测绘领域国家和行业标准3项。


本文节选自JGGS 2020,Volume 3,Issue 2, p36-44.点击阅读原文即可下载。

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