
TED学院 | 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适

小芳老师 2020-09-18


TED简介要怎样才能使更多的人住进城市中,而不显得过分拥挤呢?Kent Larson展示了折叠汽车,可快速调整的公寓,还有其他的创新作品,他们都能使得城市变得和以前的小村庄一样舒适。

演讲者Kent Larson 肯特·拉森




That left the chassis unencumbered, so you can dothings like fold, so you can fold this little vehicle upto occupy a tiny little footprint.


This was a video that was on European television lastweek showing the Spanish Minister of Industrydriving this little vehicle, and when it's folded, it can spin.You don't need reverse. You don't need parallel parking.You just spin and go directly in.So we've been working with a company to commercialize this. My PhD student Ryan Chinpresented these early ideas two years ago at a TEDx conference.

这是上周在欧洲电视台上播放的一个视频讲了西班牙的工业部长开着这辆小车,而且当它折叠起来时,它还可以旋转。无需退车,也无需平行泊车。你只要旋转一下,直接开进去就行了。所以我们已经在和一家公司合作将它商业化。我的博士生Ryan Chin两年前在TEDx的一个大会上提出了这个想法。

So what's interesting is, then if you begin to add new things to it, like autonomy, you get outof the car,you park at your destination, you pat it on the butt,it goes and it parks itself, itcharges itself,and you can get something like seven times as many vehicles in a given area asconventional cars,and we think this is the future. Actually we could do this today.It's not really a problem.


We can combine shared use and folding and autonomy and we get something like 28 timesthe land utilization with that kind of strategy.我们能把共享使用和折叠还有自动化结合起来,而且我们的土地使用率可以提高28倍,只要按照这种方式(就会有可能)。

One of our graduate students then says, well,how does a driverless car communicate withpedestrians?You have nobody to make eye contact with.You don't know if it's going to run you over.So he's developing strategies so the vehicle can communicate with pedestrians,so,So theheadlights are eyeballs, the pupils can dilate,we have directional audio, we can throw sounddirectly at people.


What I love about this project is he solved a problem that hasn't, that doesn't exist yet, so,wealso think that we can democratize access to bike lanes.我之所以钟情这个项目,是因为他解决了一个问题,而这个问题,甚至还未存在,所以,我们同时也觉得我们可以扩大范围到自行车道。

You know, bike lanes are mostly used by young guys in stretchy pants,you know.So,we thinkwe can develop a vehicle that operates on bike lanes,accessible to elderly and disabled,womenin skirts, businesspeople, and address the issues of energy congestion,mobility,aging andobesity simultaneously.


That's our challenge.This is an early design for this little three-wheel,it's an electronic bike. You have to pedal tooperate it in a bike lane, but if you're an older person,that's a switch. If you're a healthyperson,you might have to work really hard to go fast.You can dial in 40 calories going into work and 500 going home, when you can take a shower.We hope to have that built this fall.


Housing is another area where we can really improve.Mayor Menino in Boston says lack of affordable housing for young people is one of the biggestproblems the city faces.Developers say, okay, we'll build little teeny apartments.People say, we don't really want to live in a little teeny conventional apartment.


So we're saying let's build a standardized chassis,much like our car. Let's bring advancedtechnology into the apartment, technology-enabled infill,give people the tools within this open-loft chassis to go through a process of defining what their needs,and values and activities are,and then a matching algorithm will match a unique assembly of integrated infill components,furniture, and cabinetry,that are personalized to that individual, and they give them the tools togo through the process and to refine it,and it's something like working with an architect,wherethe dialogue starts when you give an alternative to a person to react to.


Now, the most interesting implementation of that for us is when you can begin to have roboticwalls, so your space can convert from exercise to a workplace,if you run a virtual company.现在,住进去最好玩的事情就是当你拥有了机器墙,这样就就能调整空间,不管是变成运动室还是工作室,只要你开了公司(一切就都有可能)。

You have guests over, you have two guestrooms that are developed.You have a conventional one-bedroom arrangement when you need it. Maybe that's most ofthe time.You have a dinner party. The table folds out to fit 16 people in otherwise a conventional one-bedroom,or maybe you want a dance studio.


Thank you so much.十分感谢。




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