专四词汇 | 英语专四词汇易考形近词辨析50例(5)
41. impractical和impracticable
impractical (not sensible or efficient or not actually possible)“不切实际的,不现实的”。
impracticable (not able to be done or used)“不能实行的,行不通的”;
With a river on one side and a steep drop on the other, it is impracticable to widen the road.
42. incredible和incredulous
incredible“不可相信的,难以置信的”;incredible energy惊人的能量,精力。
incredulous“不相信的,表示怀疑的”;be incredulous of hearsay不相信道听途说;an incredulous look怀疑的目光。
43. ingenious和ingenuous
ingenious“机灵的”; an ingenious mind机灵的头脑;an ingenious machine精巧的机器。
44. intense和intensive
intense“激烈的,强烈的”,“紧张的”an intense light强烈的灯光;intense heat酷热;an intense life奋发图强的生活。
intensive“加强的,集中的”;“深入细致的,彻底的”; an intensive bombardment密集炮击;an intensive study彻底的研究;an intensive reading精读(extensive reading泛读)。
45. junction和juncture
junction“接合,连接”,“(河流的)汇合处”; make a junction取得联络,连接起来junction box接线盒。
juncture (a particular point in time or in a sequence of events)“接合,连接”,“时机,关头”;an important juncture in a man's career人生历程中的重要关头;at this juncture在这个时候;in the present critical juncture of things在目前这一危急关头下。
46. apt和prone
它们都具有“tending to or in the habit of”的意思,但是prone只用于人。Elderly people are prone to falls, often because of arthritic joints or dizziness.
47. loose和lose
lose“丢失”; lose one's balance失去平衡,跌倒;lose one's head被搞糊涂。
48. luxuriant和luxurious
luxuriant (growing strongly or vigorously; abundant, prolific)“繁茂的;多产的;丰富的”;
His luxuriant beard was red.
luxurious“豪华的,奢侈的”;a luxurious table奢侈的饭菜。
49. magical和magic
它们都和magic有关系,但是magical也有“wonderful, entrancing”的意思。
50. masterly和masterful
masterly (showing great skill or the skill of a master)“熟练的;名家的”。
masterful (showing power or authority)“主人派头的,专横的”;You're so strong and masterful.
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