
(Bilingual) 不可错过丨学术英语教学研修项目报名通道开启

ILEAD 西浦ILEAD 2021-12-23






  • 了解英语作为国际通用语在中国教学所面临的挑战以及学术英语改革趋势;

  • 改变参与者的教育理念,增强以学生为中心的教学理念;

  • 思考如何通过教学方法的改变,培养学生的批判性思考的能力;

  • 提升参与者的学术英语教学技能;

  • 研究提供给学生反馈与评估的方法,通过合适的学术英语教材和技术的运用,设计课程,促进教学发展。


NO.1 讨论与互动式


NO.2  团队式


NO.3  案例式


NO.4  行动学习


NO.5  长期性








探索专业的学术英语教师所需的实用技能和基本技巧,包括课堂管理、课堂活动、激发学习者、 教学语法、错误纠正、任务设置和给予反馈。






探索如何为学术英语课堂编写新的教材和改编已出版的教材, 以及如何在学术英语教学中应用最先进的计算机技术,帮助英语学习。


  • 高校从事大学英语教学的教师和管理者;

  • 希望了解学术英语教学,正在从大学英语转向学术英语教学的海内外高校教师;

  • 在学术英语教学领域内致力于教学技能提升的海内外高校教师。


王老师   0512-81884655


朱老师   0512-81884656




1. 长按复制链接至浏览器打开:


2. 点击左下角“阅读原文”,进入研究院官网进行在线报名。


时间:2018.07.16— 2018.07.27


Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purpose Programme

  Programme  Background  

The trend of economic globalization is speeding up, which puts forward new requirements for the cultivation of international talents in higher education. In this context, the demands of college students to listen to academic lectures, participate in academic discussions, write academic papers, and peer academic exchanges in English are becoming higher. This has challenged the college English teaching in China for a long time, and has aroused more and more scholars ' attention to academic English in the foreign language teaching field. The transition from college English teaching to academic English teaching in Chinese universities is imperative.

  Core   Objectives  

Our EAP teaching model is to foster a student-centred active learning environment grounded in your students’ actual needs. On the course you will receive practical training in how to design and deliver an EAP curriculum. You will carry out micro-teaching practice with your fellow trainees and reflect upon your practice. You will also engage in a discussion of the role andposition of the EAP professional and the linguistic theories that underpin this role.

  Specific  Objectives Include  

  • Understand the challenges of English teaching as an international lingua franca and the reform trend of EAP in China;

  • Change the participant's educational idea and strengthen the student-centred teaching idea;

  • Think about how to foster students ' ability of critical thinking through the change of teaching method;

  • Improve participants’ teaching skills in EAP classroom;

  • Study how to give feedback and assess students’ abilities, and promote the development of teaching through appropriate teaching materials and technologies.

  Who  Can  Participate  

The CTEAP is aimed at teachers:

  • from China and overseas

  • who are currently teaching in highereducation but wish to specialise in EAP

  • looking to position themselves asleaders in their institutions

  • who wish to enter into teaching inhigher education

  • at Chinese institutions looking to teachmore EAP in future

  • high school teachers preparing theirstudents for higher education.

  Core  Modules  

Module 1: 

The transformation of educational ideas

This module cultivates teachers to think and explore the process of education globalization, knowledge economy and information technology revolution, to impel teachers to reflect on teachers ' role and teaching idea in this background, and to help participants change from the teacher-centred traditional knowledge teaching concept to the student-centred teaching idea.

Module 2: 

The EAP teacher as language expert

This module discusses the meaning of EAP through real examples, as well as the significance of being an EAP teacher at a university level. This includes introducing the importance of specific academic discourse communities to the EAP teachers and their students, and how to deal with this on a practical level.

Module 3: 

Classroom practice

This module explores practicalities of being an EAP professional, including classroom management, classroom activities, motivating learners, teaching grammar, error correction, task settings, and giving feedback. This also briefly explores how to use the linguistic theories in the classroom to help students express their ideas more clearly.

Module 4: 

Teaching the language skills

This module explores the reading and writing skills in EAP teaching and how to develop students ' critical thinking, and also study how to teach key speaking skills, including presentation skills. This takes an integrated skills approach to improve students ' four traditional communication skills since they are not happen in isolation.

Module 5: 

EAP course design and assessment

This module deals with overall planning of EAP courses and how they are assessed. It explores how as an EAP course leader. Participants can follow the course design concept of process assessment, from students’ needs, through learning outcomes, assessment and into the classroom. It focuses on setting assessed writing and speaking tasks and writing integrated skills tests and how to teach towards these. It also examines the best way to consistently and fairly mark students’ assignment and give feedback.

Module 6: 

Teaching materials and technology 

This module explores how to create new and adapt published materials for EAP classroom as well as utilize most advanced software technologies in EAP teaching. By evaluating the latest published textbooks and online resources, participants can think about how to design teaching materials and how to actually apply these ideas in class.

    Contact us    

Mr.Wang   0512-80884655


Miss Zhu   0512-81884656


We will confirm your registration by email and inform you of the payment method within one week after registration. There are 40 people in the program and the quota is limited. Please register as soon as possible.

  How to apply  

  1. Press and copy the link below to the browser and open. Enter the official website for online registration.


  2. Click on the lower-left corner and enter the official website for online registration.


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