
Michael Borremans 绘画

2016-11-08 | 角一


Michael Borremans


Michael Borremans (born in 1963) is a Belgian painter and filmmaker who lives and works in Ghent. His painting technique draws on 18th-century art as well as the works of Édouard Manet and Degas. The artist also cites the Spanish court painter Diego Velázquez as an important influence. 

Michael Borremans(出生于1963年)是一个比利时画家和电影制片人,生活和工作在根特。 他的绘画吸取了18世纪的艺术,以及 Édouard Manet 和 Degas 的作品。 艺术家还引用西班牙法庭画家 Diego Velázquez 作为一个重要的影响。

©Michael Borremans






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