Cham Hendon(1936-2014)美国艺术家,早期大学就读于佐治亚理工学院,毕业后他开始转向艺术创作,就读于芝加哥艺术学院。随后前后又毕业于新墨西哥大学、威斯康星大学,获双硕士学位。
70年代后期,他的作品风格开始带有迷幻的色彩,打破了他以往传统形式的界限。他的作品被纳入当时艺术界开创性的展览——“Bad Painting”,并获得社会的肯定。
Acrylic and rhoplex,81.3 × 111.8 cm, 2012Haleakala 局部
Macombers Mistake
Acrylic and Rhoplex on canvas,111.8 × 81.3 cm,2012Acrylic and Rhoplex on canvas,28’’x26’’Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas, 42”x 44”, 2003Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas,44”x47”,2012Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas, 40”x 42”, 2006Acrylic and rhoplex on canvas,111.8 × 149.2 cm,2012
Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas, 42’X 44”, 2005Niagara II
Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas,61 × 86.4 cmGolden Days
Acrylic and Rhoplex on canvas,111.8 × 83.8 cm, 2012Capitol
Acrylic and rhoplex on canvas,66 × 71.1 cm, 1991Acrylic and Rhoplex on Canvas, 60”x 52”, 1991
©Cham Hendon
(Copyright is owned by the artist himself)
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