图文由 逸空间 提供
谢玄玄: 天上掉下个苹果
Xie Xuanxuan: An Apple from Heavens
艺术家Artist:谢玄玄 Xie Xuanxuan
策展人Curator:周思衡 Dio Zhou
展期Duration:2021年11月20日 - 12月20日
开幕时间Opening:2021年11月20日 15:30
地点Venue:逸空间EAST Gallery
江苏省南京市鼓楼区凤熙路 27号
27 Fengxi Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu
逸空间即将在本周六荣誉呈现「谢玄玄:天上掉下个苹果」,这是艺术家在逸空间的首次展览,也是她本人职业创作生涯中的第一次个展。本次展览以苹果为线索,通过个人视角去探索每一个苹果的不同象征与隐喻。正如维吉尔在《牧歌》 的诗句,“我已给我爱人十个金色苹果,并且明天,我要寻找更多”。感谢各位长久的关注和支持,期待大家亲临现场。East Gallery is pleased to announce our newest solo exhibition - An Apple from Heavens by Xie Xuanxuan. This exhibition use apple as its primary clue, which I use to explore related cultural representations and metaphors hidden within them. Just like this verse “Ten golden apples have I sent my boy, All that I could, to-morrow as many more” in Vigil’s Eclogue. We look forward to your in-person visit. Thank you for your continuous attention and support.
Strayed into the Depths of the Flowers
天上掉下个苹果,如天外飞仙,戏谑怪诞却又不失浪漫。它即将开启一场冒险的英雄之旅(hero’s journey),完成一个苹果的使命,抒写一部苹果编年史。画面通过对不同场合下出现的苹果进行重新演绎,放置于今天的某个场景之中。同样的一个苹果,蕴藏不同的玄机,悬挂于大树之上,误入百花深处,坠入丛林之中,穿越云层遨游于大海之上,漂浮于烛光之下,置于手心之间。遁入不同的时空产生不同的火花、不断碰撞生长,开花结果。苹果是我绘画中比较有标志性的一个符号,它成为我穿越时空的化身与载体,受到各个层面的召唤,跨越第一道门,不断前进,经历苦难折磨重生,回归到平凡世界。苹果是引发亚当夏娃认知思想的诱因,也是三位希腊女神臻美象征,是牛顿对重力的第一认知,是艺术史中的经典图示,苹果这个图像可以说贯穿整个人类文明。它形状简化却不简单。作为是一个古老的母题,延续至今。此次画展以苹果为线索,通过个人视角去探索每一个苹果的不同象征与隐喻。最早一张是2015年,《送你99朵苹果还有一朵玫瑰》,画中的苹果是爱情、浪漫的象征,以苹果来代替玫瑰花,画面正好99朵,记录各个形态饱满至干瘪的苹果以定格永恒。至此,它们应该成为了真正的金苹果。正如维吉尔在《牧歌》 的诗句,“我已给我爱人十个金色苹果,并且明天,我要寻找更多”。创作中也试着重读并解构艺术史中的一些经典图示。《智慧之果》描绘伊甸园的觉醒人类意识的禁果,画面描绘的是无身份的、模糊人物轮廓。苹果悬浮于伊甸园的奇花异木之上,是智慧、诱惑、欲望的象征。《金苹果》中的苹果取自希腊神话中帕里斯裁决下导致三女神之间的纠纷,从而引发特洛伊战争的故事,是欲望与理性的纷争。重画这个题材也是探索神话的现代性,尝试去延续希腊美学。I Want to Give You 99 Apples and One Rose
《下午一点我被苹果砸中》描绘的是小学课本中牛顿被苹果砸中,灵光一现带领我们认识这个世界的故事。苹果散落一地,但个个都在自己的树下,一个苹果可以是一个新世界的起点。《这儿有两个苹果》画面中关于图像跟文字的解说存在着矛盾,正如马格丽特所说:“物体的形象和物体的名称之间,不存在确定的或不可转移的关系。”蓝色的苹果上面长了苹果叶,苹果花嫁接之上,同时开花并结出果实。还有格林童话中让白雪公主吃下后长眠的毒苹果,以及放置于王座之中的苹果,想象中的苹果树。我都对其进行了不同的演绎。个人的绘画作品也与童年记忆,民间游戏、希腊神话、童话故事所关联,混杂的元素诙谐地描绘日常奇观,游走于万物的真实与虚拟之间。充斥着矛盾、拟人化的形象元素。日常与记忆都是我想言说的一部分,画面连接着过去的虚拟与不断绵延的现在,构造出一个温暖、浪漫又充满童趣幻想的乐园。I Got Hit by an Apple at 1 PM
Written by / Xie XuanxuanThere is an apple falling from the sky. It is like a fairy from the wonderland. The incoming of this apple feels amusing, absurd, and romantic at the same time. It is going to start an adventurous heroic journey. It is going to fulfill its destiny. I’m going to write annals for apples with my paintings. My paintings are my reinterpretation of the various depictions of apples throughout the ages. I recreate their stage in a contemporary setting. I think all apples have their secrets hidden within. There is an apple hanging on the tree, finding its way into the bushes of flowers, entering the heart of the jungle. One apple can fly across the sky and fly above the oceans. It can hide among the candle lights, is placed in the palm. All those depictions of apple collide with each other in the time portals, creating sparks that go through time and space. Eventually, they will settle, grow their flowers and their fruits. Apple embodies a symbolic role in my painting practice. It is the agent and the embodiment of my time travel journey. It was my magic coincidence that I must paint those apples. I was able to pass through the gateway of being an artist. I want to make lots of progress as an artist. I want to be reborn after going through many trials. I want to make a breakthrough for my paintings. Eventually, I wish to find peace within my practice.Apple is the fruit that awakens Adam and Eve. Apple is the classic symbol of goddess superiority. Apple led Isaac Newton to his first understanding of gravity. It is a quintessential symbol in art history. It is fair to say that apples accompany the growth of human civilization. It has a simple look but contains enormous energy within. It is and it has been the oldest cultural motif. The discourse around apple continues until today.This exhibition use apple as its primary clue, which I use to explore related cultural representations and metaphors hidden within them. The first painting of apple was painted in 2015, it was named I Want to Give You 99 Apples and One Rose. The apples here are the symbol of love and romance. It is because I use apple to supplement the missing rose. Therefore, there are 99 roses in the picture. By painting those organic apples down, I was able to put all of them in the static field, which they will never decade regarding their stage of freshness. They have become the Golden Apples in my painting. Just like this verse “Ten golden apples have I sent my boy, All that I could, to-morrow as many more” in Vigil’s Eclogue.丽达与天鹅 Leda and the Swan
布面油画 Oil on canvas
150x150cm 2020
I also try to re-examine and deconstruct some of the most iconic pictures in art history. In my painting, Fruits of Wisdom I depicted the forbidden fruit that awaken humanistic characteristics. The figures are blurred with only shapes. They are someone without identities. The apple is afloat above the exotic flowers and trees of the Eden Garden. In this painting, the apple is the symbol of our poise, temptation, and ambition. Another painting, Golden Apple was inspired by the Judgement of Paris in Greek Mythology. His judgment of who is the most beautiful goddess in the Greek world led to the Trojan war. This apple represents the conflict between sensual attraction and rational assessment. The reason I repaint this subject is that I want to explore those mythologies' contemporalities. It may as well be a continuation of Greek aesthetics.
There must be a Rainbow in the Clouds
I Got Hit by an Apple at 1 PM comes from a story I learned in my elementary school textbook, which is about Newton getting hit by an apple. It was a text showing young kids the endless possibilities and wonders of this world. In my depiction, there are many apples spread out on the ground, underneath the tree. It is also possible that each apple can be the beginning of a brand-new universe. There are two apples is about the conflict between the image and the words that are attached to the image. Rene Magritte once said: “An object is not so attached to its name that we cannot find another one that would suit it better.” There are a lot more various paintings I made about apples. There are blue apples with apple tree leaves, apple flowers on top of it. Flowering and fruiting are happening at the same time. There is a poisonous apple from that put Snow White in long slumber from the Grimm's Fairy Tales. Other apples are placed on the throne along with some imaginary apple trees. Those apples were all part of my rendering.There are many inspirations for my painting practice. Childhood memories, folk tales, Greek mythologies, and fairy tales are all inspirations for my paintings. I want to mix all those sundry elements into a whimsical image that reflects the marvels of ordinary life. I want my paintings to walk the fine line of reality and illusion, to be filled with discordant and cultivated visual elements. I am trying to ordinary life and memory. I am trying to build a connection between my past phantom memory and my continuous present. I want to construct a warm and romantic wonderland that is full of youthful fantasy.
2020年毕业于中国美术学院油画系, 获硕士学位;2021 五月薪火:国际青年艺术季,浙江展览馆,杭州2020 济南国际双年展: 青策项目,济南市美术馆,济南2020 同心圆: 杭州城市当代艺术展,泊空间,杭州2017 inter youth:国际青年绘画展,杭州2017 废墟·重生: 工作坊项目,德国汉堡美术学院,汉堡2016 少女之心:宋庄美术馆十周年系列展,北京
2016 国美之路,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州
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