David Hammons,美国当代艺术家,他的装置、影像、纸本印刷和绘画作品在非裔美国人的艺术史有着重要的地位。
Orange Is The New Black, 2014Glass mirror with wood and plaster frame fabricAcylic on canvas with plastic nettingWooden mask, acrylic, wicker, straw, Untitled (Rock Head), 2010Basketball Chandelier, 1997bamboo, phonograph record fragments,Saxophone, mannequin, hands, and spadeBag Lady in Flight, 1982 (re-created c.1995)Shopping bags, grease and hairUntitled (Night Train), 1989Glass bottles, caps, silicone glue, and coalAfro Asian Eclipse(or Black China), 1978Human hair and paint on wire mesh with thread and paper mounted on fabric scrollAfrican American Flag, 1990Free Nelson Mandela, 1987Stencil on versos of torn and layered billboard papersHow Ya Like Me Now?, 1988body print (margarine and powdered pigments)Spade (Power for the Spade), 1969Body print and silkscreenUntitled (The Kiss), 1970Untitled (Double Body Print Collage) , 1976and printed paper collage on cardboardUntitled(Green Power), 1975Close Your Eyes and See Black signed and dated, 1969Ink, graphite and body print on paperboardThe Wine Leading the Wine, 1969
Bliz-aard Ball Sale, 1983
©David Hammons
(Copyright is owned by the artist himself)
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