

纯科学 纯科学 2021-12-06


无需讳言,当今人类正面临百年未有之大变局。无论双方是否愿意面对或承认,事实上中国与美国正在“竞选”未来世界的新总统,只是全人类希望他可以有能力领导世界走向更加和平与幸福的未来。无论对民主如何理解,至少有一点是全世界一致公认的:拥有选票资格的人不能完全由某一方的候选人来确定。况且,全球国家与地区总共有224个,美国召开的民主峰会总数仅为109个,那么,这是否意味着美国已经承认剩下的114票都归中国,他们发起的选战刚刚开始,就已经正式宣告了竞选的失败呢?因为美国不断以民主之名干涉 中国的内政,出于对人类舆论的尊重,必须把我们对新民主的理解予以宣布。


















一切真正的、可以使人类获得幸福的自由,都必然是通过对另外某些自由的放弃和约束而获得的 —— 阴在阳之内,不在阳之对。






今天的世界,地球村的公民们并不是要在民主与专制之间做出抉择,而是需要在更为先进的、与时俱进的、更发达的、更科学的、更有效率的、更高版本的、更高信息带宽配置的新民主,与更为落后的、不思进取的、更衰败的、更愚昧的、更低效的、更低版本的、超低带宽配置的老民主之间做出历史的选择。为什么把民主的投票看得那么重,同时却又把信息带宽设置得这么低?就是要让你感觉民主权力好像得到行使了,但从信息量上看与完全没有民主权力基本没什么区别,同时还要花那么多、超过140亿美元的钱 —— 仅仅为了四年一个比特的信息量。在今天的5G时代,传递一个比特仅仅需要十亿分之一个美分。

纵观人类几千年的文明发展历史 —— 相信没有任何人能否认,中国远远比美国更有资格来讨论人类几千年的文明发展历史经验教训是什么 —— 谁能更全面地学习、继承全人类的科学文明成就,并在此基础上勇于创新,谁就能成为更文明、更发达、更繁荣、更先进、更强大的社会。谁固步自封,因循守旧,即使曾经辉煌无比,也会不断衰落和失去人心。







有一些学者曾对中国社会的合法性问题提出过疑问,在此我们将给出纯粹科学的解答:一切法律都是人制定的。如果行为与法律之间不一致,可以调整行为去符合法律,也可以调整法律来符合人的行为。只要人的行为与法律相互一致,那么就是合法的。但它们合理吗?却不一定。如果法律规定吸毒是不合法的,那么吸毒的行为就是不合法的。如果法律规定吸毒是合法的,那么吸毒的行为就是合法的。但吸毒合理吗?这本质上就不是合法性所能解决的问题。任何一个社会都拥有制定法律的权力,那么从纯理论上说,没有什么比满足合法性更简单、更容易的事情了 —— 只要制定与现存的行为全都是相符合的法律就足够了。但真正重要的问题是:一个社会是否合理,并且以什么标准来判断和检验它是否合理。只有正确地提出问题,才有可能获得正确的答案。



我们可以比美国更好地带领全人类走向共同富裕的道路,这就是一带一路的唯一目的,它也更有利于我们自己长久稳定的发展。因为除了更发达的国家,我们1个人只需要带动另外3.7个发展中国家的人民,而美国1个人需要带动15.5个 —— 况且他们还未必真有这个心思。




















The Declaration of New Democracy


In the evening on November 23rd 2021, U.S. State Department announced a list of "participants" invited to the "Global Democracy Summit”. From December 9th to December 10th, the so-called "Democracy Summit" initiated by the United States will be held in the virtual form of video. President Biden invited leaders from 108 countries and/or governments to participate. The number of parties to participate the Summit totals up to 109 including the United States itself.

Needless to say, mankind today is facing great changes unprecedented in a century. No matter whether the two sides are willing to face it or admit it, China and the United States are practically "running for" the new presidency of the future world with the expectation from all mankind for his capability to lead us to a future with more peace and happiness. No matter how the term democracy can be possibly interpreted, there is at least one thing that is universally acknowledged: Persons qualified to vote shall not be determined entirely by candidates from one party. There are a total of 224 countries and regions in the world. In contrast, the total number of countries and regions invited to the Democracy Summit initiated by the United States is only 109. Does this mean that the United States has formally recognized that the remaining 114 votes belong to China and has officially declared its election defeat just at the beginning of their election campaign? As the United States continues to interfere China's internal affairs on the pretext of democracy, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that we should declare our understanding of the new democracy.

We hold that these truths to be self-evident:

Axiom i: All men are born unequal.

Due to objective differences in history and natural conditions, children born in poor families and those born in rich families are unequal. Additionally, those born in developed countries are unequal to those born in developing countries. Furthermore, those born in wars are not equal to those born in peace.

If all men are born equal, all democratic or other social systems will become redundant. It is precisely because that all men are born unequal that human beings have the desire and need to develop a good social system to effectively promote human equality, common prosperity and mutual development.

Axiom ii: The ultimate criterion for judging whether a social system is good or not is whether it can truly and effectively solve the problem of human inequality in practice.

If the criterion for evaluating a society is something unrelated to its results and facts, what else can it be? Is a social system with the death toll of millions of people better than one with the death toll of only thousands in the epidemic resulting from management by respective governments? Is a social system in which the police can kill a passer-by at will better than one in which anyone feels safe on the street at night? Is a country that invades other countries at will almost every year and kills thousands of civilians better than a country that practices "Do not do onto others what you do not want"? Is a social system that institutes lower taxes for the rich and higher taxes for the poor, and secures faster growth of wealth for the rich and relative or absolute poverty for the poor regardless of economic development status as good or bad better than a social system that makes every effort to pursue common prosperity for all members of the society and all mankind, and furthermore, takes it as its own belief and code of conduct?

If facts and results cannot become the ultimate criterion for evaluation, what truth can be expected by mankind?

Axiom iii: Science is the common wealth of all mankind and the common language that transcends all nations, all religions, all countries and all societies.

Science is not only the best way for mankind to understand the world and the most effective channel for mankind to understand each other, but also the best approach to change the society and the world, and the best access to true democracy and freedom for mankind. We extend our sincere gratitude to scientists, thinkers and intellectuals from all countries and nations for their outstanding contributions to science. They are the honor and pride of their nations and countries, as well as the honor and pride of all mankind.

Axiom iv: The law of the impossibility of freedom.

Demand for all aspects of human freedom cannot be satisfied at the same time. When one exercises the freedom to marry someone he/she loves, he/she gives up the freedom to love others. If robbers are allowed the freedom to rob others, it is equivalent to giving up the freedom of others to protect their own property. Because of the Matthew Effect, if everyone is offered the same opportunity available for him as much as he could possibly seize according to his social status in the past, it is equivalent to depriving freedom for the people who were poor in history and natural resources to improve their happiness, resulting in more and more serious confrontation between appalling poverty and great wealth. This would ultimately result in social collapse and bring about sufferings to those inherited with better resources...

Scientific genetic epistemology research indicates that the specific historical stage of human growth is the best period for learning and developing. Once the period is missed or spoiled, it will bring negative impact on his entire life. More importantly, it is difficult to make up. Therefore, we do not allow the children of any family the freedom to evade study, because this will deprive them of the freedom to pursue a better life and happiness in the future.

We do not allow anyone the freedom to deprive others of their lives, because only in this way can all people in the society effectively enjoy the freedom of survival.

We do not allow anyone the freedom to seize the property of others, because only in this way can people's freedom from infringement of property be ensured.

We do not allow people who have been infected with the virus to have the freedom to go to the street without masks, because only in this way can we ensure the freedom of health for all other healthy people in the society.


We do not allow anyone to fall behind on the road to common prosperity, because only in this way can common prosperity really become true, rather than dose a political slogan.

All real freedom leading to happiness for the mankind can only be enjoyed through giving up and restricting some other forms of freedom - Yin derives itself from and within Yang rather than from the opposite.

A better social system gives up and restricts less freedom than other systems do in return for more freedom at the cost of less constraint over it. Of course, such constraints are not absolute and invariable. In different stages of social, scientific, technological and economic development, there will be more measures to reduce the constraints on freedom in return for more freedom. However, this does not rule out temporary measures to increase constraints on freedom in special periods such as natural disasters and wars.

When you are preaching any forms of freedom, you are inevitably hiding the inhibition of freedom in other forms. If you are deliberately hiding what shall be inevitably given up and making it opaque to others, you are consequently securing the freedom for just few people who have the advantage of real resources at the cost of endangering the freedom of the large majority.

A better social system has a better understanding of the trade-off in freedom and make it more transparent, fair and reasonable. Therefore, please do not inform us the freedom we are preaching for only, but the freedom we must give up and inhibit inevitably. This is the key to a proper comparison.

Never did we deny that voting is one of the good practices to exercise democracy and freedom. However, the power of democracy and freedom is so sacred and important for the people that we cannot hold firmly that the one vote in four years is adequately enough to accomplish such a great mission. In fact, it is far from enough to have the vote only. Moreover, whether Condorcet's voting paradox in the 18th century or Arrow's impossibility theorem in the 20th century, it has long been scientifically and strictly proved that there are natural defects in the basic principle (rather than technology) of voting. Amartya Sen is considered to have effectively solved these problems. However, it is only a possible problem for three or more very simple candidate schemes. How can a society be expressed by such a simple choice of preference model? The western world completely turns a blind eye to these basic scientific issues of voting, because the solution of the United States is simpler and more rough. There are only two candidates of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, strictly prevent the emergence of the third candidate, How can there be a voting paradox? All those academic studies on democracy basically just make the election be able to votes a result, but can they certainly solve the problem if they can vote a result? If neither Republicans nor Democrats will build high-speed rail, no matter who you vote for, it will not solve the practical problem.

Our recognition for the importance of the trigonometric function in mathematical knowledge is a case in point. However, trigonometric function alone is certainly far from a proper representative of the realm of mathematics, or a proper replacement of calculus, linear algebra, operator theory, number theory and mathematical logic... The world of mathematics today is too rich and exquisite to be adequately represented by the trigonometric function only. How absurd, backward and ignorant it would be to replace the entire field of mathematics with trigonometric function alone. Moreover, it is a vote after excessive compression of electoral votes. Therefore, democracy and freedom of the people shall not be reflected by one vote in every four years, but more extensively in every year, every day, every piece of work and every routine. Only in this way can we have an extensive knowledge of demand from the people and transmit it through a bandwidth high enough to catering the demand completely.

In the world today, citizens of the global village are not expecting to make a choice between democracy and autocracy, but rather expecting a choice between a new democracy of a higher version configured with broad information bandwidth, a more advanced, more developed, more scientific, more efficient form of democracy that keeps pace with times and an old democracy of a lower version configured with supper-narrow information bandwidth , a more backward, more underdeveloped, more stupid, more inefficient form of democracy that lacks progress with times. Why take democratic voting so seriously, but set the information bandwidth so narrow? It is only to make you feel that democratic right seems to have been exercised, but in terms of the amount of information, it is basically no different from the complete absence of democratic right. At the same time, it also costs so much money, more than $14 billion, just for one bit of information in every four years. In today's 5G era, it only takes one billionth of a cent to transfer a bit.

With a general survey in the history of human civilization developed in thousands of years in the past, no one deny that China is far more qualified than the United States to discuss the experience and lessons in the development process of human civilization through thousands of years. A social system with the capability to adapt to learn more comprehensively, to inherit the achievements of scientific civilization of all mankind, and to have the courage for innovation on this basis has the prospect to become more civilized, more developed, more prosperous, more advanced, and more powerful. In contrast, a social system with complacent and conservative modes and acts tends to experience a continuous decline in its power and spiritual support from the public, even if it had once been brilliant and powerful.

To make people fully understand the characteristics of China's new democracy today, we need to remind people all over the world first that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are Europeans, rather than Chinese. We have been exploring and practicing their scientific theory just as we have been learning and inheriting the wealth of great scientists, thinkers and scientific and technological inventors as Isaac Newton, Robert Hooke, Galileo Galilei, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, Albert Einstein, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Alva Edison, Madame Curie, Дми́трий Ива́нович Менделе́ев and Александр Степанович Попов. In a group of three, there must someone from whom I can learn. In other words, as the sea embraces all rivers, the compatibility and tolerance contributes to its grandeur. We highly respect and piously inherit the civilization developed by people in all other nations and countries including the U.S. with the same pious just as we inherit the great civilization achievements of Chinese predecessors. We inherit the essence in all creations of mankind and integrate them together. This is the origin of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is a brand-new social system representing the most advanced culture and concept of all mankind and striving to realize all the greatest ideals and dreams of all mankind.

The place we are living now was in the past a birthplace of an ancient civilization and one of the earliest sources of modern science. Together with ancient Egyptian civilization, ancient Babylonian civilization and ancient Indian civilization, we contributed to the rising of ancient Greece and modern scientific civilization. In fact, the most primitive round of industrial civilization started in ancient China and the Arab world, and then passed from the east to the west, triggered the great translation movement, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, etc. After spreading trip around the globe, it is now heading back to China today, one of its earliest sources. This return is also a historical necessity.

In a retrospective view, China's contribution to the emergence of industrial civilization was far beyond the scope of the four major inventions.

In a perspective view, China will make greater contributions and innovations to mankind.

The superficial wave mode characterized in the spreading and accepting process of industrial civilization in the past is deeply rooted in the process of learning and inheriting, which was most likely to occur in neighboring countries with a greater gap in civilization. Once we understand the core law for the spreading of industrial civilization and turn to opening, learning and inheriting into a long-term system, we are bond to the journey from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom.

In the future, we will eternally keep humility, piety, study and innovation with us. Not only because we have the highest standard in morality and sentiment, but also because we understand deeply from our painful history in thousands of years that this is the only way to maintain our own prosperity for a long-term. Although the United States had no historical lessons like this, we are not expecting them to be involved in such a painful experience in the future for repetition. This is also the confidence and reason why China can stand proudly and firmly in the world today.

Some scholars had questions over the legitimacy of Chinese society. Here we will give a purely scientific answer: All laws are made by people. If the behavior is pose to be inconsistent with the law, the behavior can be adjusted to comply with the law, or the law can be adjusted to comply with the behavior. As long as human behavior is consistent with the law, it is legal. But are they reasonable? Not necessarily. If the law stipulates that taking drugs is illegal, then taking drugs is illegal. If the law stipulates that taking drugs is legal, then taking drugs is legal. However, is taking drugs reasonable? It is in essence not a problem that can be solved with legitimacy. Any society has the power to make laws. From a pure theoretical perspective, nothing is simpler and easier than satisfying legitimacy - as long as it makes laws that are consistent with all existing behaviors. But the really important question is: Is a society reasonable? What is the criteria to judge and test it? Only through asking questions correctly can we get the right answers.

According to Axiom iii, science is the only approach and standard to solve all problems. In line with scientific standards, what is the basis of measurement? What is the purpose? How to pass judgement on whether the system serves the purpose through scientific measurement for the result? This is the ultimate and only correct basis for judgment with rationality. What is the measurement basis of American democracy? The answer is "No", or put it more accurately: This question has never been taken into consideration. Even if it came up to mind occasionally, it failed the focus of proper attention. Can a social system without measurement basis be scientific and reasonable? The answer is "Absolutely impossible".

Except for the understanding made in scientific methods and language, all other explanations are superfluous issues that need to be removed with the Ockham's Razor.

Leading all mankind to common prosperity is the ultimate purpose of the Belt and Road Initiative. Additionally, it is also more conducive to our own long-term and stable development. On this regard, we are a better leader than the U.S. Except for the people living in more developed countries, every one of us in average only need to lead 3.7 people living in other developing countries for the purpose of common prosperity. In contrast, every U.S. citizen need to lead 15.5 people living in other developing countries for the purpose of common prosperity. Furthermore, they may not be really interested in it.

Moreover, through fair transactions in market, we will enable the people living in developed countries to enjoy better living conditions, more jobs, more business opportunities, more advanced and eco-friendly scientific and technological achievements at more economical costs. That is what we have been doing for decades. Another, the ancient Silk Road proved that it has been China's tradition to conduct mutually beneficial business through fair trade with partners living in other countries for thousands of years. From a historical perspective, China never issued a license for privateering or obtained wealth through plundering methods such as war and financial hegemony.

Although China suffered many humiliations in modern times, we found astonishingly new knowledge of modern scientific and industrial revolution in Europe from our painful experience,  learned comprehensively modern science from Japan, inherited systematically Socialism and modern industrialization from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and mastered extensively the latest science and technology as well as management science in the information age from the United States and other developed countries after reforming and opening up. In the process of inheriting, China has been constantly contributing its intelligence and innovations to the common wealth of human scientific civilization.

Socialist pioneers in Europe used scientific methods to save the lowest working class. Accordingly, socialist pioneers in China have constantly evolved in socialist practices and evolutions in forms as the Worker-Peasant Alliance, Serving the People, People's Democratic Consultation, Represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and the Original Aspiration of Serving the People wholeheartedly... The term people shall include all legitimate citizens. Therefore, we do not think that China's democracy is very different from that of other countries. Let alone that they are completely opposing. The difference does not lie in whether it is democracy, but in its scientific nature, the operation efficiency of implementation results, and the ability of self-innovation and evolution.

On the Washington Square in the U.S., there are only two large memorial facilities: the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial built for the two distinguished presidents. Lincoln's Three People's Principles: of the people, by the people, and for the people, rooted deeply into the hearts of modern Chinese through Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Three People's Principles. Unfortunately, Lincoln's great ideal stopped on April 15th, 1865 with the sound of a gun shot in the president's box at the Ford’s Theatre in Washington. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered the famous "I have a dream" speech in front of Lincoln's memorial hall. Today, blacks in the United States are free to go to the streets, but have they been free? Have they changed their fate? No, they still can't breathe often.

It is the people, and the people only, who has the universal value. It is only the people who has the driving force and source of creating value. Only a society that regards the people as the only universal value can have the will and ability to change the fate of all people, and truly turn the great ideals of Lincoln and the dreams of Martin Luther King into reality.

Science is the most important guarantee to meet human democracy and freedom from a practical approach. Happiness is created through labor in accordance with the laws of science, not through magic changes in beautiful rhetoric of political slogans.

According to the law of conservation of energy and mass, even the energy generated by hundreds of thousands of people in street demonstration is far from enough to build a highway and high-speed railway line.

Even the total energy generated out of 10000 TV debates is far from enough to build a 5G network.

Even the total energy generated out of love from 23 million people is not enough to output more energy than a 100000 kW small capacity power plant.

Only through the practical development of new energy technology can the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals be materially reached. China's investment with sincerity in solar energy, wind energy, hydro-power, UHV transmission, fourth generation nuclear power, new energy vehicles, energy-saving technology, ultra-supercritical generator sets and in other scientific and technological fields has benefited countless people around the world. This effectively curbed the deterioration of the environment accompanied with China's own growing economy. In contrast, those empty political rhetoric for environmental protection have already made people feel more and more disappointed, bored and angry.

According to our economic research in a scientific approach, there is no market mechanism that can automatically optimize social welfare. In fact, the rule unveiled in this law is obvious, because there is no scientific law that can automatically realize the welfare of human society. Let alone the automatic optimization. Similarly, the scientific economic law must be the same. The laws of electronic science can be properly used to accomplish intensive calculation, electronic measurement and power engineering. In contrast, it can also cause death through improper measures as lightning or high-voltage electric shock. The potential energy of water can be used as the driving force through a hydro-power station to generate electricity for mankind, or destroy homes through floods... In brief, all scientific and technological Research & Development are processes weakening or eliminating those negative effects while facilitating human welfare. Welfare of human society has been realized bit by bit through ceaseless efforts of mankind spent on it, rather than entirely through an external mechanism. Market trading mechanism can achieve greater wealth creation, but also have the problems of increasingly serious polarization between the rich and the poor as well as environmental pollution expecting our pro-active efforts for solutions.

For this reason, we need a team with selfless as Mother Teresa and Lei Feng,  rational and rigorous as outstanding mathematicians Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Nikolas lvanovich Lobachevsky, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauß, and David Hilbert, ambitious aiming to change the world as James Watt, Wright brothers and Elon Musk, true knowledge exploration using scientific measurement and experimental tools to obtain and test the true knowledge of the world as Tycho Brahe, Michael Faraday, James Prescott Joule, Gregor Johann Mendel, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, and entrepreneurs with expertise in wealth creation and dedication in social responsibility as Alfred Bernhard Nobel and Chen Jiageng. This is the Communist Party of China. We respect the different religious beliefs and living habits of all ethnic groups, but we have a new faith, the people. As the greatest sociological measurement scientist and military measurement scientist in human history, Mao Zedong first founded it for China. He systematically and thoroughly introduced the scientific measurement method into the social and military fields for the first time, just as Tycho Brahe introduced measurement into astronomy, Galileo Galilei introduced experiment and measurement into physics, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier introduced measurement into chemistry, Wilhelm Wundt introduced experiment and measurement into psychology, Charles Robert Darwin introduced measurement into Biology. This is the reason why he and his team can accomplish amazing achievements. This is not only the precious wealth of China, but also the common wealth and luck of the world. This is not only the result of the natural evolution of human science and industrial civilization, but also one of the most important achievements in the integration of the scientific and industrial revolution initially flourished in Europe with Chinese traditional culture.

While acquiring highly developed sciences and technologies, mankind as a specie in general is also facing unprecedented crises and challenges. Nuclear weapons enable mankind to destroy themselves quickly; While industrial civilization has increased wealth, the accompanying environmental pollution may make it difficult for our future generations to survive; Conflicts between different cultures may trigger an unprecedented and devastating World War at any time; Emerging science and technology is growing rapidly and its branches are becoming more and more detailed, which is far beyond the traditional understanding and cognitive ability of mankind; The highly frequent exchanges brought about by population growth, urbanization and modern transportation make the virus as COVID-19 and its mutant strains a global disaster difficult to eliminate…

There are urgent calls for new ideas, new scientific and educational systems, new social mechanisms and new civilizations with inclusivity to meet such challenges arising from human development. This is not just an issue for one country alone. Solution to this problem depends largely on the synergy of every country, every nation and every individual in the world.

Only by absorbing the essence of all civilizations in the world can we be brave in the world. Only when we have the courage to care the welfare of all mankind can we be qualified to lead the future destiny for mankind.

Today, the Chinese people disdain to conceal their views and intentions of creating a more advanced new democratic future for China and the world with scientific innovation, hard work and open-minded learning spirit. This is an extremely glorious and great cause that our predecessors have never done.

C'est la lutte finalefinale. People of all lands united to make the voice of new democracy heard everywhere on the globe and Metaverse。

Our goal must be achieved and our goal will be achieved!






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