

2017-01-29 轻敲右边添我 持明讲堂

转发分享 获无量功德


Nothing comes accidentally or randomly, according to Buddhism. So luck can be created, but one has to be very careful. As much as luck can be created, it is not that you have the power to create luck. Luck dependents on conditions. Do conditions create luck depending on our will? It depends.从佛法观点看,没有什么事情是随机出现的。因而,幸运是可以被创造的。然而,这并不说明我们人能够随心所欲地制造幸运。幸运也由因缘而来。

Luck is very individualized. What is considered to be lucky for someone is not lucky for others. The same event can be viewed as lucky or unlucky for the same person. For example, when you miss the bus in the morning, it can be considered unlucky. But it could also be considered as lucky because the bus may bring us to a fatal situation. You never know. 幸运的定义因人而异。同样一件事,有的人会认为是幸运的,而另一些人或许会认为是非常不幸运的。即使是同一件事情对同一个人来讲,可以视为幸运也可以视为不幸运。譬如说早上你错过了一辆巴士,这可以视为是不幸的。然而它也可以被视为是幸运的。因为谁知道呢?也许这辆巴士会路遇车祸,而没有登上这辆巴士让你幸免于难。


Buddhist's Approach to Luck 佛教徒的所谓幸运

Among six rounds, human are like nothing compared some of the other rounds such as god round if measured by materials. Yet, born to be a human being is the luckiest, because human beings have the capacity to understand the truth if they wish. That is why human round is the best among the six rounds. Anything takes you to the truth, by Buddhism, is considered lucky. 六道当中,假如看财富受用的话,人和天人道相比,简直是一无所有。然而六道之中,最幸运的却是人道。为什么呢? 因为假如愿意,人有理解真理的能力。依据佛法,任何能让我们到达真理的东西,都是幸运。

If we will live forever, we are unlucky because we will never be interested in knowing the truth. The sights of death and sickness are the reminders for those who are opt for spiritual growth. They ring the bell of truth. And they are priceless. 假如永远不会死去,我们便会失去了解真相的兴趣。这么说来,永远不死的人,何其不幸。对于期望灵性修行的我们来说,老和死的存在是我们最好的礼物。它们是无价的。因为它们无时不提醒我们生命的真相。

Treat your family/friends as if it is the last day of your life. Doing this enables you appreciate everything in your life. And this, will affect the lives of other people. 对待你的家人,朋友和周围所有的人,如同这是你生命中的最后一天。这样做会让你懂得珍惜你生命中的一切。这样做,也会影响到你周围的人的生活。

Develop a spiritual luck is very important. 能够有灵性的幸运是非常重要的。

When you are looking for luck, the door to un-luck opens. Luck is when you are content with whatever you have.当你追逐幸运的同时,通往不幸的门被打开了。真正的幸运是知足。

Luck is affected by cause and conditions. Each and every cause and conditions can have a slight different chemistry that eventually affects the outcome. We have blind expectations and assumptions most of the time when we human being do things (education, parenting). The truth is there are some cause and conditions that we are not aware of. 幸运也由因缘产生。每一个因缘都有自己细微的不同之处,而这些都会影响最终的结果。作为凡夫,我们对我们所做的任何事情,都有一些盲目的期望和假设。之于育儿,之于教育,都是这样。而真相是,所有的事情都有它自己的,为我们所不知的因缘。

The moment you think, you get entangled unless you are mindful. The thought, how mundane it is, creates reference. The reference almost always brings judgment. Judgment brings hope and fear. Hope and fear are grandparents of all emotions. Emotions created action, and action leads to results. That is the story of the life of karma。思考的刹那,我们便混乱了,除非我们对自己的念头有清醒的觉知。不管念头的本身有多么的平常,只要有念头,它必定有一个参照。而几乎无一例外的,我们的各种评判会随着这个参照产生。评判让我们产生希翼或者恐惧,患得患失。而希翼和恐惧是所有情绪的始作俑者。情绪导致行动,行动产生结果。这就是业力的故事。

If luck is random, independent, then it is not merit. Merit without the wisdom or luck without merit is like a deaf good singer/musician, or a boatman without the oar. It can make you really stuck. 假如幸运是随机地,独立地产生的话,那么它就不是福德。没有智慧的福德,或者没有福德的智慧,就如同失去了听觉的歌手或者音乐家,又如同没有船桨的船夫。它让我们寸步难行。

Wisdom is important in generating and accumulating merit. Merit or luck is so individualized. Even though it is individualized, it is possible that many individual have the same luck. For example, some people have the luck of having good leadership or good weather. 要想产生和积累福德,有智慧非常重要。同时,福德和幸运又非常地个人化。当然,个人化的同时,我们也会看到有有些人,在某一方面拥有同样的幸运。比如同样一些人,居住在天气适宜的同一地方。或者有那么一些人,他们都有很好的领袖能力。


Wisdom of Non-duality 无分别的智慧

The root of all suffering is dualistic thoughts and grasping. 所有的痛苦都源自我们的分别念和执着。

Many of us may partially agree that dualism is bad. But deep down, we don't see the downfall of the dualism as we should. Deep down, we cherish and cling to some of the dualism so much. For the non-duality, we only know it at the intellectual level. 虽然我们中的不少人会倾向于同意有分别念是不好的。然而事实上,我们对分别念的害处的认识,远没有我们应该知道的多。内心里,我们珍视并且执着于我们的分别念。我们对它的认识,也仅仅止于知识层面而已。

Let's take an example. In her dream, a girl met a boy she loves. They were so happy together. But in the same dream, the girl lost the boy. The happiness and the sadness are so real. But when she wakes up, she knows that it is only a dream. Our joy and sadness that is so real to us are like what happened in the girl's dream. When waking up, they have never happened. 接下来的这个例子,或许能帮我们了解一点分别念的虚幻性。一个女孩子做了一个梦。在梦里,她和一个男孩子相遇。两情相悦,而最终不得不分离。在梦里,她的快乐和悲伤都是那么的刻骨铭心。然而梦醒的时候,她发现,所有的快乐和悲伤,都只是一场梦。经历着痛苦和快乐的我们的这一世,也如同这个女孩的梦一般,梦醒的时候,我们会发现,一切其实都从未发生过。

If you could only understand a glimpse of non-duality (by the way, it is not as difficulty as making noodles), it fixes all the problems. It is the medicine for all the out/inner sickness. It is the generator of all the inner/outer happiness. 对于无分别念,哪怕我们能如同惊鸿一瞥般地领略到一点点,我们的所有的问题,便都能找到答案。它是所有内在和外在问题的良药。它,也是所有内在和外在快乐的源泉。




觉察“自我”和“自我是幻相”,非常重要【宗萨钦哲仁波切 】







转发分享 功德无量



