当地时间5月24日,美国哈佛大学举行2022届本科生毕业典礼。此次哈佛毕业典礼是因疫情中断两年之后,重新回归线下。哈佛校长Lawrence S. Bacow向毕业生发表演说。
Congratulations to moms and dads, spouses and children, family and friends—cheerleaders and champions all.祝贺毕业生的妈妈和爸爸、配偶和孩子、家人以及朋友、啦啦队和冠军们。
And a special congratulations to all of you who are joining us online. I met with four seniors last week—all international students—and we talked about travel restrictions that kept some of their families from attending in person today. So, to all of you watching this around the world, a special welcome. In fact, let’s all wave to them.
The motto of this University is Veritas. So let me begin by telling you something true.
The view from up here is amazing. I can’t believe it has been three years since we have been able to gather like this.这里的景色太美了,真不敢相信由于疫情的原因我们已经有三年没在这里开毕业典礼了。
Being here—being together again at long last—is moving beyond words. But, to our graduates, you did not get here alone. No one accomplishes anything on their own. Please rise, face your family and friends and all those who have helped you reach this special moment, and give them your thanks.能够久别重逢,站在这里,我感动得无以言表。但是,对于我们的毕业生来说,你们能走到这里靠的不是一个人的力量。没有人能独自完成任何事情。请起立,面对你们的家人和朋友以及所有帮助你走到这一特殊时刻的人们,向他们致谢。
Excellent work. Now that you are settled in your seats, I can share another truth with you.非常不错。既然现在你们已经坐好了,我就可以和你们分享另一个真相。
Something very inconvenient happens when you combine a nation’s worth of graduations with a global supply chain shortage. There are not enough folding chairs to go around.当你将一个国家的毕业典礼与全球供应链短缺相结合的时候,就会发生一些非常不方便的事情。就比如这里没有足够的折叠椅可以让大家都坐下来。
I am not kidding—half of you almost had to sit on blankets today. I won’t tell you which half.我不是开玩笑——几乎半数的人今天不得不坐在毯子上。当然我不会告诉你是哪一半。
Fortunately, the people who make Harvard run—our amazing staff—are creative, resilient, and resourceful. So now you know about the Great Seat Scramble of 2022.幸运的是,他们让哈佛运转起来了——我们了不起的员工——他们富有创造力、有很强的适应能力、并且足智多谋。
I am telling you this because it is likely the last time you almost didn’t get a seat. Soon you will have a degree in hand from an institution whose name is known no matter where you go in the world, whose name is synonymous with excellence, ambition, and achievement—and maybe some other modifiers on which we needn’t dwell today.我告诉你们这些,是因为这可能是你们最后一次差点没有座位了。很快,你们就会获得一个学院的学位,无论你们在世界上走到哪里,该学院的名字都是众所周知的。它的名字与卓越、雄心壮志和成就是同义词——也许还有一些其他的修饰词,我们今天就不赘述了。
With your degree in hand, you may often find yourself invited to sit and stay awhile, invited to share your thoughts and ideas, invited to participate, to contribute, to lead. You may end up sitting on a board or occupying a seat of power. Who knows? You may even be standing up here someday, welcoming another class of Harvard graduates to their Commencement.拿到学位后,你们可能经常会发现自己被邀请坐下来休息一会儿,被邀请分享你们的想法和观点,被邀请参与、贡献、领导。你们最终可能会坐在董事会上或手握权力。谁知道呢?你们也许有一天会站在这里,欢迎另一届哈佛毕业生参加毕业典礼。
And what are you to make of that—of the fact that people will make room for you, find a seat for you?人们会给你腾出空间,并给你找个座位——你们对此有何感想?
You could take it for granted. You could assume that you deserved it all along. But what a waste that would be.你们可以认为这是理所当然的。你们可以认为这是你自始至终应得的。那将是多么的浪费啊。
Today, I want to challenge you—members of the Harvard Class of 2022—to save a seat for others, to make room for others, to ensure that the opportunities afforded by your education do not enrich your life alone. You will have more chances than most to make a difference in the world, more opportunities to give others a chance at a better life. Take advantage of these opportunities when they arise. Whatever you do with your Harvard education, please be known at least as much for your humility, kindness, and concern for others as for your professional accomplishments. Recognize the role that good fortune and circumstance have played in your life, and please work to extend opportunity to others just as it has been extended to you. That is how you will sustain the pride and joy you feel today. And that’s the truth.今天,2022届的哈佛毕业生们,我想向你们提出一个挑战:给别人留一个座位,给别人腾出空间,确保你们接受教育的机会不仅仅丰富你们的生活。比起绝大多数人,你们改变社会的机会更多,能够给别人的机会也更多。当机会来临,充分利用。无论你凭借在哈佛所受的教育从事何种职业,都请一定要谨记:谦逊、善良、关怀他人,这些与你的专业成就一样重要。珍惜你生命中的幸运,这些机会会留给你,但同时也不要忘记将机会留给别人。那样你才能继续感受到你今天感受到的骄傲和快乐。这也是一件真事。
Congratulations, members of the Class of 2022. You have accomplished great things; you’re going to accomplish even more. Good luck to each and every one of you—and Godspeed.祝贺你们,2022届的同学们。你们完成了人生大事,你们将取得更大的成就。祝你们每个人好运——万事如意!
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