
美国会:对涉华补贴企业提出新的信息披露要求;InterDigital 与LG、松下和三星签署专利许可

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-01-12

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. US Law Hikes Merger Filing Fees for Large Deals and Imposes Foreign Subsidy Disclosure Requirement


2. InterDigital signs patent licenses with LG, Panasonic and Samsung

InterDigital 与LG、松下和三星签署专利许可

3. FTC bans non-compete clauses that block workers from better jobs


4. USPTO: Patent Fees for Small and Micro Entities Reduced

USPTO: 降低小微企业的专利费

IP Practice

5. Meta was fined 390 million euros in latest European privacy crackdown


6. Google plans to appeal to India's Supreme Court to block a $161 million antitrust fine

谷歌撤销 1.61 亿美元反垄断罚款请求在印度上诉法院被驳!将诉至最高院!

7. Abbott Wins $26M Against Retailer In TM Row


8. RMB 10 billion patent claim against apple heard at the Shanghai High People's Court 


Case Analysis

9. Louis Vuitton Malletier v. Guangzhou Ruiwang Leatherware Co., Ltd. et al.




US Law Hikes Merger Filing Fees for Large Deals and Imposes Foreign Subsidy Disclosure Requirement


According to news on Jan 3, US Congress passed the Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act of 2022 last month. The Act, which was signed into law by President Biden on December 29, substantially alters the framework for filing fees under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (“HSR Act”) for the first time since 2001. Filing fees for the largest transactions will increase to $2.25 million, substantially higher than the current highest filing fee of $280,000. The Filing Fee Modernization Act also makes changes to the premerger notification process, including a requirement that parties disclose information concerning subsidies received from countries or entities that are strategic or economic threats to the United States, including those “owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia,” according to the report.



InterDigital signs patent licenses with LG, Panasonic and Samsung

InterDigital 与LG、松下和三星签署专利许可

InterDigital has signed an HEVC and VVC patent license with LG and renewed two DTV and HEVC patent licenses with Panasonic, according to news released on the company’s official website on Jan 3. It is also reported that the mobile and video technology research and development company has agreed to renew its patent license agreement with Samsung Electronics. The parties will enter into binding arbitration to determine the final terms, including the amount payable by Samsung under the new agreement. Samsung’s previous license to InterDigital’s portfolio of cellular wireless and video technologies expired on December 31, 2022. The new license will be effective from January 1, 2023, according to the report.

据InterDigital 1月3日官网消息,InterDigital已经与LG签署了HEVC和VVC专利许可,并与松下续签了DTV和HEVC专利许可。此外,这家移动视频技术研发公司已同意续签与三星的专利许可协议。双方将进行有约束力的仲裁,以确定最终条款,包括三星根据新协议应支付的金额。据报道,三星之前对InterDigital的蜂窝无线和视频技术组合许可已于2022年12月31日到期,新的许可证从2023年1月1日起生效。


FTC bans non-compete clauses that block workers from better jobs


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a ban on noncompete clauses that restrict workers from leaving for better jobs at rival firms. The clauses unfairly hinder competition and cost U.S. workers at least $250 billion annually in reduced pay, the FTC said. Noncompete agreements “block workers from freely switching jobs, depriving them of higher wages and better working conditions, and depriving businesses of a talent pool that they need to build and expand. By ending this practice, the FTC’s proposed rule would promote greater dynamism, innovation, and healthy competition, ”said FTC Chair Lina Khan. According to the report, the proposed rule is subject to 60 days of public comment and could be revised before adoption.

美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)提出了一项取缔竞业禁止条款,这些条款限制员工跳槽至竞争公司以寻求更好的工作机会。联邦贸易委员会表示,这些条款不公平地阻碍了竞争,每年减少了美国员工至少2,500亿美元的工资。联邦贸易委员会主席Lina Khan称:“取缔禁止条款阻止员工自由转换工作,剥夺了他们获取更好的薪酬待遇的机会,也剥夺了企业建立和扩大的人才库的机会。通过结束这一做法,联邦贸易委员会提议的规则将推动经济活力、促进创新和竞争。”据悉,拟议的规则60天内接受公众意见,并可在通过前进行修订。


USPTO: Patent Fees for Small and Micro Entities Reduced

USPTO: 降低小微企业的专利费

The Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2022, a part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, has increased the discounts small and micro entities will receive, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office last Friday. These new laws were recently signed into law by President Biden and aim to support small and micro entities by increasing small entity discounts from 50% to 60% and micro entity discounts from 75% to 80%. Small and micro entities can now access the innovation ecosystem at a lower cost, making it easier for them to enter the market and potentially grow their businesses. The USPTO hopes that these lower fees will lead to inclusive innovation and contribute to the goal of growing the economy by $1 trillion by quadrupling the number of US inventors.


IP Practice


Meta fined 390 million euros in latest European privacy crackdown


European Union regulators on Wednesday hit Facebook parent Meta with 390 million euros in fines for violating privacy rules and forcing users to accept targeted and personalized ads. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission imposed two fines totaling 390 million euros ($414 million) in its decision in two cases, 210 million euros for violations of EU data privacy rules involving Facebook and an additional 180 million euros for breaches involving Instagram. Meta says it will appeal.



Google plans to appeal to India's Supreme Court to block a $161 million antitrust fine

谷歌撤销 1.61 亿美元反垄断罚款请求在印度上诉法院被驳!将诉至最高院!

Google plans to appeal to India’s Supreme Court within days to block a $161 million antitrust fine imposed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI). Last October, CCI fined Google $161 million for anti-competitive behaviors related to Android mobile devices. In addition, the CCI has asked Google not to offer any incentives to smartphone makers to pre-install Google's apps. Google filed a lawsuit in an Indian appeal court on Tuesday, saying the CCI fine had largely copied a previous fine made by the European Commission and should be revoked. An Indian appeals court dismissed Google’s appeal on Wednesday.

1 月 5 日消息,谷歌计划在未来数日内向印度最高法院提起上诉,试图推翻印度竞争委员会(CCI)之前对谷歌做出的 1.6 亿美元的反垄断罚款。去年 10 月,印度 CCI 宣布对谷歌处以超1.61亿美元的罚款,原因是该公司存在与 Android 移动设备相关的反竞争行为。此外,CCI 还要求谷歌不得向智能手机制造商提供任何激励措施,让他们独家预装谷歌的应用程序。本周二,谷歌向印度一上诉法庭对此提起诉讼,称印度 CCI 做出的罚款决定,在很大程度上抄袭了欧盟委员会之前做出的罚款决定,因此应该予以撤销。



Abbott Wins $26M Against Retailer In TM Row


A federal court in New York has ordered a gray-market diabetes test strip seller to cough up almost $26.5 million to Abbott Laboratories over allegations of breaking trademark laws by selling test strips made for the European marketplace in the U.S. Previously, Abbott and related companies sued H&H Wholesale Services Inc. and Howard and Lori Goldman for willful trademark infringement, alleging that the defendants purchased international test strips, repackaged them using counterfeit US packaging, then distributed them for sale in the U.S. Recently, a federal court in New York has ordered the defendants to pay more than $26 million to Abbott.

纽约一名联邦法官下令,一家灰市糖尿病试纸销售商需向雅培公司赔偿近2650万美元,因其被指控在美国出售为欧洲市场生产的试纸,违反了商标法。此前,雅培及其相关公司起诉H&H Wholesale Services 、 Howard 及 Lori Goldman三家公司故意侵犯商标权。被告被指控购买了国际试纸,用假冒的美国包装重新包装,然后在美国销售这些试纸。近日,纽约一联邦法院命令被告向雅培公司赔偿2600多万美元。


RMB 10 billion patent claim against apple heard at the Shanghai High People's Court 


Chinese AI company Xiao-i Robot vs Apple patent dispute was heard for the fourth time on December 28 at the Shanghai High People's Court. Shanghai Xiao-i Robot Technology Co. Ltd sued Apple for 10 billion Yuan(~$1.4 billion USD) on August 3, 2020 at the Shanghai High People’s Court. The lawsuit for patent infringement claims Apple’s Siri infringed Chinese patent no. ZL200410053749.9. The Shanghai High Court also heard a dispute filed by Apple against Xiao-i robot on the same morning requesting confirmation of no infringement of patent, according to the announcement of court sessions. The two disputes are very likely to be related, said people familiar with the matter, hinting that Apple may have turned from passive defense to active attack.


Case Analysis


Louis Vuitton Malletier v. Guangzhou Ruiwang Leatherware Co., Ltd. et al.


If the right holder of a well-known trademark files a civil lawsuit with the court in the course of administrative litigation with the trademark infringer with respect to the validity of the alleged infringing registered trademark and requests the infringed infringer to stop the infringement act and compensate for its loss, the people's court shall accept the case, and shall not reject the case on the ground that it is a dispute between two registered trademarks. In those cases involving the aforementioned issues, the right holder of a well-known trademark is entitled to request the recognition of a well-known trademark and the special protection of the distinctiveness of the well-known trademark, even if the lawsuit is filed by the right holder against the infringement act of using the well-known trademark on the identical or similar goods.








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