

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 2024-02-17

2023年2月15日,来自上海的无纺布和非外科用口罩制造商上海盈兹无纺布有限公司的实质控股股东Earntz Healthcare Products, Inc.(以下简称“盈兹”)在美国证监会(SEC)公开披露招股书,股票代码ETZ拟在美国纳斯达克IPO上市其与2021年9月20日在美国SEC秘密递表。 







招股书显示,盈兹在上市前的股权架构中,胡俊杰(Junjie Hu)通过Aslan Global Ltd持有77.43%





胡俊杰 Mr. Junjie Hu is our founder and was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of directors of the Company on September 14, 2021. Mr. Hu has served as an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Shanghai Earntz since April 2021 and he was the supervisor of Shanghai Earntz from July 2016 to April 2021. Mr. Hu has over 10 years of experience in production and management in pulp, paper & personal care industries. From August 2008 to May 2010, Mr. Hu was an analyst of RISI, Inc., a leading consulting firm based in Boston, focusing on the global pulp & paper industry. From May 2010 to July 2016, Mr. Hu worked for 3M China as a senior product manager. Mr. Hu is primarily responsible for overseeing the sales and marketing, research and development, business strategy, and overall management of our Company and Shanghai Earntz. Mr. Hu graduated from the University of Auckland with an undergraduate degree in Commerce in July 2006. In September 2019, Mr. Hu obtained an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from Fudan University in Shanghai, China. The Board believes that Mr. Hu’s in-depth knowledge of our business and experience in personal care industry will assist us in our future growth and expansion plans and make him a valuable member of the Board.


Ms. Yufei (Sabrina) Zhang was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company on September 19, 2022. Ms. Zhang served as managing partner of Beijing Path Founder Financial Consulting Co. from October 2017 to September 2022 and she was the assistant finance controller of Jones Lang LaSalle (Beijing) Consulting Co. from January 2016 to June 2017. Ms. Zhang was the Finance Controller of General Steel Holdings Inc. from December 2010 to February 2015 and was the Finance Director for China.com Corporation from June 2007 to December 2019. Ms. Zhang was a senior auditor for PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Beijing Branch from July 2005 to June 2007 and was an assistant auditor and senior auditor for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., Dalian Branch from June 2002 to September 2004. Ms. Zhang received her bachelor’s degree in international accounting from Dongbei University of Finance & Economics in 2002.


张醒 Mr. Xing Zhang was appointed as a director of the Board on September 14, 2021 and he was the Chief Financial Officer of the Company from September 14, 2021 to September 19, 2022. Mr. Zhang has served as deputy general manager of Shanghai Earntz since July 2016. Mr. Zhang has experience in business operations and production, supply chain management and financing. Mr. Zhang worked for China Industry Securities as an analyst from September 2015 to July 2016. Mr. Zhang graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University with an undergraduate degree in English in July 2012. In December 2015, Mr. Zhang obtained a Masters of finance degree from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. Mr. Zhang obtained his U.K. CFA certificate in 2015. The Board believes that Mr. Zhang is well qualified to serve as a member of the Board due to his experience in production and supply chain management.


Mr. Yixiao Wang, a Canadian citizen, is the founder of Beijing Hongge Trading Inc. since March 2020. From March 2019 to January 2020, Mr. Wang served as Chief Marketing Officer of blockchain project Matrix. From September 2015 to March 2019, Mr. Wang served as a marketing manager of DIDI and participated in major projects of DIDI such as the Rio Olympic campaign, 100 best drivers, and DIDI grand branding upgrade. Mr. Wang graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada with an undergraduate degree in Finance & Arts in 2014. The Board believes that Mr. Wang’s expertise and knowledge of marketing and business operation will benefit the Company’s operations and make him a valuable member of the Board.


张恒教授 Dr. Heng Zhang has been a professor at Zhongyuan University of Technology since April 2017. From July 2019 to July 2020, Dr. Zhang was a senior visiting scholar at Shinshu University in Japan studying fiber materials. From March 2017 to January 2019, Dr. Zhang worked as a post-doctor researcher at the Institute of Chemical and Biological Engineering of Zhejiang University. From April 2016 to March 2017, Dr. Zhang worked as an engineer at Zhejiang Kingsafe Nonwovens Co., Ltd. Dr. Zhang obtained his bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and Ph.D. degree from Tiangong University with a major in textile engineering, nonwoven materials and engineering, respectively, between September 2004 and Oct 2015. Dr. Zhang has experience both in theory and practice in the nonwoven materials industry. Dr. Zhang has published more than 30 SCI/EI thesis on POLYMER, ACS APPL. POLYM MATER, POLYM TEST. The Board believes that Dr. Zhang’s extensive knowledge in textile engineering, nonwoven materials and engineering makes him a valuable member of the Board.

宋昊 Mr. Hao Song has more than ten year’s experience in property investment and wealth management business. Mr. Song is a founder of Shanghai Realway Capital Assets Management Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HK: 01835). Mr. Song was a senior staff of Shanghai Realway Capital Assets Management Co., Ltd. from 2016-2020 and has served as its Chief Operating Officer since January 2021. Mr. Song graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor’s degree in law in 2009. In 2019, Mr. Song obtained his Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from Fudan University. The Board believes that Mr. Hao’s experience in capital market and public company makes him a valuable member of the Board.




盈兹是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:磊拓金融证券为其承销商;Wei, Wei & Co., LLP为其审计师;京都、FisherBroyles, LLP分别为其公司中国律师、公司美国律师;锦天城、乐博分别为其承销商中国律师、承销商美国律师。

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禧图集团 Millennium Group,在美国SEC递交招股书,拟纳斯达克IPO上市



Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital

