
本月精读 | 好文章的内在结构 ,你了解多少?

CD读者俱乐部 中国日报读者俱乐部 2022-05-15


稍微老道一点的朋友,收集了更多连接词:to start with,moreover,last but not least…但在阅读中,大家会发现,在很多好文章中,我们是找不到明显的连接词的

雅思作文评分标准中,9分作文有一条标准是“uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention”(不刻意地运用衔接手段),其实就告诉大家,好文章不依靠连接词来显示逻辑它能够自成逻辑


贴心的CD君今天为大家准备了一篇近千字的长文——来自中国日报2020年9月15日的专栏文章“How digital technology fights poverty”,手把手带大家抽丝剥茧,看看这篇文章是如何布局谋篇的。攻克了文章的内在结构,大家阅读和写作时就都能一马平川啦。



How digital technology fights poverty

Digital technology is being increasingly adopted to carry out economic and social activities, and is profoundly transforming production patterns and people's lifestyles. However, it is essential that the adoption of digital technology in developing countries does not widen the rich-poor gap. In China, e-commerce, digitally inclusive finance, and poverty alleviation programs supported by big data have had positive impacts on poverty reduction.

E-commerce promotes growth in incomes and capacity-building for the poor. China has the world's fastest-growing e-commerce market, where more than 40 percent of global e-commerce transactions take place. Many poor people have benefited from the booming e-commerce industry. For example, the National Rural E-commerce Comprehensive Demonstration Project has helped nearly 3 million registered impoverished households realize income growth. In 2019, online retail sales in 832 poverty-stricken counties reached 107.6 billion yuan ($15.7 billion).

E-commerce platforms have greatly reduced the threshold for small and micro businesses to enter the market. Rural residents that were marginalized because of their geographic location can now display their farm produce and handicrafts online and find buyers, thereby increasing sales and revenue. Also, e-commerce drives the development of whole industrial chains, creating job opportunities and providing diverse options for rural labor. Online retailing has created over 28 million jobs in rural China. In addition, rural e-commerce benefits disadvantaged groups such as women with children and the elderly. The ratio of male to female entrepreneurs on e-commerce platform Alibaba is close to 1:1, compared to 3:1 for the entire business sector.

E-commerce also provides learning opportunities, thus stimulating the entrepreneurial potential of the poor. Between April 2015 and March 2017, 1.12 million people from 765 national-level poverty-stricken counties joined 559 courses offered by Taobao University online. High investment costs have always proved to be a development bottleneck for small and micro-enterprises. Many countries have explored different ways of providing them loans, but many still encounter difficulties getting loans. However, the G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion endorsed by the G20 in 2016 marked the beginning of the digital era of inclusive finance.

In China, traditional financial institutions utilize digital technologies to improve the availability of financial services for marginalized groups. Financial agencies also support non-cash payments for the bulk purchase of farm produce such as grains, and the issuance of pensions, medical insurance, and agricultural subsidies to the rural population.

Since its establishment in 2015, China's first cloud computing-based commercial bank, MYbank, has provided contactless loans to more than 4 million clients in 146 poverty-stricken counties. In 2017, JD.com launched a digital agricultural loan. In two years, this project has collaborated with more than 100 cooperatives in Shandong, Hebei, and Henan provinces and other places, providing roughly 1 billion yuan in loans, with zero overdue repayments and defaults.

Big data, too, supports targeted poverty alleviation, by improving the accuracy and ensuring the fairness of poverty identification. In 2014, the Ministry of Civil Affairs began promoting the establishment of information verification platforms based on big data in different regions.

As of October last year, big data platforms have covered 96.8 percent of provincial-level areas and 91.9 percent of prefecture-level areas. In fact, using big data to pre-screen poor families is now the norm. Comprehensive analysis of impoverished areas through big data helps formulate targeted assistance. With the combination of geographical information such as climate and landform, and social information such as family composition, personal capabilities, economic and financial conditions, big data helps analyze the reasons for poverty at the county, village, and household levels, providing stronger support for poverty alleviation.

However, the application of big data still needs improving. Only 5.9 percent of China's cities have databases for professional data development, and only 1.8 percent of cities have submitted reports to higher authorities based on big data analysis.

Real-time data sharing and the dynamic comparison of various databases on poverty alleviation, education, industry and commerce, civil affairs and health and other areas can improve the efficiency of using public resources such as fiscal funds. It can also track and monitor the progress and efficiency of poverty alleviation in different regions and organizations.

Multi-dimensional data assists government agencies in choosing the most appropriate poverty alleviation projects and the setting of reasonable poverty standards. For example, in Shanghai, big data is widely used to set the annual poverty standard. Research based on big data, such as "the minimum living standard based on checked data", provide recommendations to government agencies such as the Ministry of Civil Affairs on national social policies.

Digital technology has been playing a positive role in China's poverty reduction. Nevertheless, some conditions enabling this should be noted:

As of March 2020, China's internet coverage rate reached 64.5 percent. More than 98 percent of administrative villages have fiber optic internet connections and 4G, and 99 percent of poverty-stricken villages have broadband access, guaranteeing internet access for the vast majority of people via computers or mobiles. Besides, thanks to traditional infrastructure such as power grids and roads, people in most residential areas in China enjoy a stable power supply and transportation facilities.

Governments at all levels keep an open and encouraging attitude toward the development of the digital economy and actively cooperate with digital companies to better identify and help the poor.

Through e-commerce, financial services, and related philanthropic programs, digital platforms have helped empower women, young people, the disabled, and small businesses in impoverished areas. With the digital platforms, these groups can have access to broader markets, obtain low-cost development opportunities, and escape poverty through entrepreneurship or employment.

我们先看题目。How digital technology fights poverty,数字技术如何改变贫穷。从这个题目中,我们能知道两件事:第一,这篇文章写作的前提条件是,作者认为数字技术能够改变贫穷。第二,这篇文章中,作者主要讲的是数字技术是怎么(how)与贫穷抗争的。这个题目是个问句,我们就带着问题往下看。


Digital technology is being increasingly adopted to carry out economic and social activities, and is profoundly transforming production patterns and people's lifestyles.

第一句话总起全文,介绍了文章的背景。我们为什么要了解数字技术呢,为什么数字技术至关重要,因为我们的经济生活和社会活动中越来越多地采用了它们。这句话引出了我们题目中的一个关键词,就是digital technology

However, it is essential that the adoption of digital technology in developing countries does not widen the rich-poor gap. 


In China, e-commerce, digitally inclusive finance, and poverty alleviation programs supported by big data have had positive impacts on poverty reduction.

第三句话就得把前两句这两个关键词联系起来,构成整篇文章的主题句和中心观点。第三句话说,电子商务,数字普惠金融以及大数据支持的扶贫计划对减少贫穷产生了积极影响。电子商务,数字普惠金融以及大数据支持的扶贫计划这三点其实就是digital technology的三种具体体现。为什么要把他们单列出来呢,这是在提示读者,我们下文就要提到这三种数字技术是如何扶贫的。







第一个好处是促进了贫困人群的收入增长,提高了他们的能力(promotes growth in incomes and capacity-building for the poor);

第二个好处是降低了中小企业进入市场的门槛(have greatly reduced the threshold for small and micro businesses to enter the market);

第三个好处是提供了学习机会,从而促进出身贫困的人释放他们的企业家潜能(provides learning opportunities, thus stimulating the entrepreneurial potential of the poor)。每段说明文章主题的一个方面,三段内容构成并列,这就是“并列展开式”结构。


那么,每个段落内该如何展开呢?CD君的建议是,段落中心句+解释句+例子。就拿正文部分的第一段来举例吧。这一段一开头给出了本段的中心句E-commerce promotes growth in incomes and capacity-building for the poor,然后对这个中心句进行解释,说中国拥有世界上最大的电子商务市场,许多穷人都从中受益。为了具体说明如何受益,作者举了个例子。“For example”(举例来说),电子商务进农村综合示范项目就惠及了将近三百万贫困家庭。


Many countries have explored different ways of providing them loans, but many still encounter difficulties getting loans. However, the G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion endorsed by the G20 in 2016 marked the beginning of the digital era of inclusive finance.


在这一段的末尾,我们发现了digital financial inclusion的字样,而数字普惠金融正是开头段指出文章正文所要讨论的内容!因此,作者这是在提醒我们,到这里e-commerce的部分已经讲完啦,下面我们要讲数字普惠金融对扶贫的作用啦。这两句话,无缝引出了下文


从文章的开头,我们知道,文章的最后一部分要讲大数据支持的扶贫计划。注意,这一部分的展开方式与上面就不一样了。作者不仅讨论了大数据扶贫的优点,还提出了它的不足。这个不足由“However”预示了内容上的转折,说“大数据在应用方面仍然有待提高”(the application of big data still needs improving)。

作者又在接下来的两段里提出了两种具体应用大数据的方式,分别是实时数据分享和动态比较不同的大数据(real-time data sharing and the dynamic comparison of various databases),以及多维数据库(multi-dimensional data)。







An Advantage of Digital Technology的题目,




















