胡靖,1号房间 ,盒子、塑料人物模型、汽车模型,2015,图片由艺术家提供
李俊成,MONOLOGUE 2,影像,6分28秒,2019,图片由艺术家提供
Resonance:The Seventh Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition
Time: 10th, May, 2020-13th, September, 2020Artists (In Alphabetic Order): Chen Qi, Gao Wenqian, Hu Jing, Li Juncheng, Liu Guannan, Luo Kai, Ma Dongli, Qiao Xiangwei, Qin Yexuan, Song Gewen, Wang Yefeng, Xiao Xun, Xu Yibo, Yin Nayu, Zhao Peng, Zhang Chao, Zhang He, Zhang Jiaqi, Zhang ZengzengHost: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern ArtLocation: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art (No.27 Duolun Rd.)
罗凯,男子气训练营No.12,布面丙烯,10×10 cm,2019,图片由艺术家与亚洲艺术中心提供
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art is pleased to announce the launch of Resonance-The Seventh Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition from May 10 to September 13, 2020. Hosted by Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, the exhibition organizer specially invited three judges, Chen Xiaoyang, Shi Hantao and Xu Ke to select 19 artists' works including image, installation, painting and sculpture from the contributions of more than 800 artists from all over the country.
The exhibition introduces the physical concept of resonance to express various sources of vibration in our social life. These sources of vibration may trigger all sorts of relations, which are presented in a variety of artistic forms through artists’ thinking and creation. When the artists throw touch or thinking into the works, and then these works spread around through display, demonstration and media. The process is like a pebble thrown into a lake, causing a series of ripples, through which the resonance of the audience is aroused, the reflection of the group is provoked, or even greater amplitude of vibration on social, cultural and historical dimension is caused, bringing more resonance effect.
乔相伟,Change one’s mind No.8,纸本综合材料, 25x18cm,2019,图片由艺术家提供
These vibrations presented in artistic works may come from the specific social reality or cultural background of the artist’s life, the universal inspiration of nature, or may be a specific social event, or even interdisciplinary intersection, such as the resonance between science and technology and art.
It is the keen perception of truth and transcendence that penetrates the present and points to the future when the artist transforms the vibrations he receives into works of art. The artists make a complex transformation and expression of their observation and thinking on history, culture, cultural atmosphere and realistic issues in an artistic way. These works further form a series of larger and more complex resonance relations with culture, history and reality, and even become a symptom of history and social trends of thoughts, which reshape our life, society and spiritual home in every age.The exhibition will be on display until September 13, 2020.
About Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition
上海多伦现代美术馆自2004年就创立了“上海多伦青年美术大展”项目,至今已经连续举办了六届展览,走过15年当代艺术历程。上海多伦现代美术馆致力于把传统的“青年美术大展”转化成真正意义上支持年轻艺术家的展览机制,通过青年人的视角,青年人的思考,青年人的表达,从社会、文化、艺术等各个角度出发,创作并展示有穿透力的优秀作品,为当代文化的发展提供新动力。Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art has founded the project Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition since 2004. Walking through this contemporary art course for 15 years, six exhibitions have been held. We are dedicated to transforming the traditional youth art exhibition into an exhibition mechanism that truly supports young artists. It is our aim to provide new impetus for the development of contemporary culture through the display of penetrating excellent works in the perspective of young people's view, thinking and expression, as well as from the aspects of social, cultural, art and other fields. 上海多伦现代美术馆
Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
上海多伦现代美术馆由上海市虹口区文化和旅游局于2003年创建,是一个按现代多功能目标规划建设的、为中国当代艺术发展和服务的非营利文化艺术机构,是一个当代艺术国际化交流的平台。它以 " 原创性、学术性、国际性 " 为办馆理念,具有展览、研究、教育、收藏、交流五大功能。
Found in 2003 by Bureau of Culture of Hongkou District, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art is a multi-functional and non-profit institution of culture and art. Being a platform for the international exchange of contemporary art, it aims to provide services to the development of Chinese contemporary art. It takes originality, academic and internationalism as its guideline, and seeks to fulfill five major functions of exhibition, research, education, collection and communication.温馨提示:参观须提前预约,来现场的观众须出示本人身份证、当日有效的参观预约码、本人实时绿色“随申码”,入馆前须接受体温测量,参观过程中皆需全程佩戴口罩,排队和观展时请保持1.5米以上距离。
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday
10:00-18:00(17:30 停止入场)
Closed on Mondays
No parking space available
No.27 Duolun Road,Hongkou District,Shangha