
新展预告 | 中国当代艺术年鉴展(上海)2020

多伦 上海多伦现代美术馆 2022-12-25




主  办:











丁乙、于吉、马可鲁、马轲、王功新、王光乐、王庆松、王兴伟、王拓、王郁洋*、王鲁炎、王璜生、毛旭辉、仇晓飞、方力钧、尹秀珍、厉槟源*、史金淞、付小桐、鸟头、冯梦波、朱金石、邬建安、刘小东、刘庆和、刘建华、刘娃、刘韡、孙逊、孙原&彭禹、苏新平、李津、李怒、李燎、杨振中、杨圆圆、杨福东、邱志杰、邱岸雄、何工、何云昌、何多苓、何岸、何翔宇、余友涵、汪建伟、沈勤、宋冬、张文心*、张晓刚、张恩利、张培力、陈天灼、陈丹笛子、陈文令、陈抱阳、陈界仁、范勃、林科、庞茂琨、郑达、郑国谷、郑源、赵半狄、赵赵、胡介鸣*、胡为一、胡尹萍、胡伟*、胡庆雁、段正渠、段建宇、施勇*、费俊、顾承洋*、耿雪、徐文恺、徐冰、徐震 、展望、陶辉、曹雨*、曹斐、梁绍基、梁铨、隋建国、彭薇、葛宇路、蒋竹韵、蒋志、喻红、程然、程新皓、焦兴涛、童文敏、童昆鸟*、蒲英玮*、蔡国强、谭平、黎薇









新展预告 | 中国当代艺术年鉴上海展2019


Cao Yu,I Just Don’t Want You To Live Better Than I Do,Large Outdoor Color-changing Neon Sign,2021,Courtesy of the Artist


Ku Cheng-Yang,Remaining temperature,Performance,Installation,2020,Courtesy of the Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ),Peking University


Hu Jieming,14 Days,Performance、Video、Installation etc,2020,Courtesy of the Artist

胡伟,样板间 – 如何共同居住,录像、桦木、布料、钢、亚克力、造雾机、木板、LED屏、透明片、印刷品,2020,由艺术家本人提供

Hu Wei,Prototype Room-How to Live Together,Video、Birch、Cloth、Steel,Acrylic、Fog Equipment、Board、LED Screen、Transparent Cut、Print,2020,Courtesy of the Artist

厉槟源,最后一封信,纪录片、文献、照片,14'05'' ,2020,由北京大学“中国现代艺术档案”(CMAA)提供

Li Binyuan,Last Letter,Documentary,Document,Photograph,14'05'' ,2020,Courtesy of the Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ),Peking University


Pu Yingwei,Red and Black The Second Continent of China Capital,Oil on canvas,acrylic,image collage,screen printing,spray paint,paint pen,graphite,2020,Courtesy of the Artist


施勇,2020 新“抽象”字体研究——全王求化,装置,2020,由北京大学“中国现代艺术档案”(CMAA)提供‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Shi Yong,2020 Research on New Abstract Fonts-Quan Wang Qiu Hua,Installation,2020,Courtesy of the Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ), Peking University


Tong Kunniao,Three Millimeters of Golden Dystopia,Mainly Steel(Solid Steel Plate,Stainless Steel,Rebar etc.), Gilding Paint,Gold Paint and Other Comprehensive Materials,2020,Courtesy of the Artist


Wang Yuyang,Relationship,Materials:Motors、LED、 Light Tube,Computer and Cable,2020,Courtesy of the Artist



Zhang Wenxin,Information Highway 2020,Video,2020,Courtesy of the Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ),Peking University

Exhibition: The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2020,Shanghai

Duration: December 25, 2021 - April 10, 2022

Opening Ceremony: 3 p.m. on December 25, 2021


Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art

Institute of Contemporary Art at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ), Peking University

Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts 

Producer: Zeng Yulan

Curator: LaoZhu

Executive Curator: Pei Lei, Gu Jiajun



Artists of Annual of 2020:
(Note:99 artists/group, marked with * are artists whose works are exhibited, sorted by strokes of family name)
Ding Yi, Yu Ji, Ma Kelu, Ma Ke, Wang Gongxin, Wang Guangle, Wang Qingsong, Wang Xingwei, Wang Tuo,Wang Yuyang*, Wang Luyan, Wang Huangsheng, Mao Xuhui, Qiu Xiaofei, Fang Lijun, Yin Xiuzhen, Li Binyuan*, Shi Jinsong, Fu Xiaotong,Birdhead, Feng Mengbo, Zhu Jinshi, Wu Jian'an, Liu Xiaodong, Liu Qinghe, Liu Jianhua, Liu Wa, Liu Wei, Sun Xun, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Su Xinping, Li Jin, Li Nu, Li Liao, Yang Zhenzhong, Luka Yang, Yang Fudong, Qiu Zhijie, Qiu Anxiong, He Gong, He Yunchang, He Duoling, He An, He Xiangyu, Yu Youhan, Wang Jianwei, Shen Qin, Song Dong, Zhang Wenxin*, Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Enli, Zhang Peili, Chen Tianzhuo, Chen Dandizi, Chen Wenling, Chen Baoyang,Chen Chieh-Jen, Fan Bo,Lin Ke, Pang Maokun, Zheng Da, Zheng Guogu, Zheng Yuan, Zhao Bandi, Zhao Zhao, Hu Jieming*, Hu Weiyi, Hu Yinping, Hu Wei*, Hu Qingyan, Duan Zhengqu, Duan Jianyu, Shi Yong*, Fei Jun, Gu Chengyang*, Geng Xue, aaajiao, Xu Bing, Xu Zhen  , Zhan Wang, Tao Hui, Cao Yu*, Cao Fei, Liang Shaoji, Liang Quan, Sui Jianguo, Peng Wei, Ge Yulu, Jiang Zhuyun, Jiang Zhi, Yu Hong, Cheng Ran, Cheng Xinhao, Jiao Xingtao, Tong Wenmin, Tong Kunniao*, Pu Yingwei*, Cai Guoqiang, Tan Ping, Li Wei

The Exhibitions of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2020,Shanghai(hereafter as “the Shanghai Project”)will open at Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art on December 25, 2021, co-organized by Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, the Institute of Contemporary Art at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Chinese Modern Art Archive ( CMAA ) of Peking University and Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts.
Since its launch in 2005, Annual of Contemporary Art of China (hereafter as “the Annual”) has been published in one volume every year and has been edited until 2021. Emphasizing continuous and deep culture, it tries to reflect various problems of this era and its accompanying issues through recording, observation, questioning and reflection of contemporary art scene and ecology. The Annual focuses on recording its variables rather than constants. In this way, the art scene will be documented and archived. Three basic levels of Chinese Modern Art Archives (CMAA) on which it relies are as follows: fundamental archive database, yearbook of the Annual and related research paper, and the exhibition on the basis of the database and the results of the yearbook. This is the second time that the Annual takes place in Shanghai in which the latest development and outstanding changes of Chinese contemporary art in 2020 are summarized. The exhibition is divided into nine units, which is activation and replacement, social response, media possibility, concept presentation, painting expansion, technology and experiment, global and geographical, gender reflection, intervention and self-organization.
2020 is the year of COVID-19. Everything has changed. What happened to Chinese contemporary art at such a critical turning point is what the Annual records and asks. 1,819 exhibitions and activities of Chinese contemporary art, 3,168 articles of literature, and information about more than 6,000 artists have been recorded over a year. It can be seen from profile survey that art has shown a more diversified and phased development on exploration of contemporary art, the attention to social problems, art and technology, gender art, art intervention and other specific practices. The epidemic is far from over, the turning point of Chinese contemporary art has not yet been reached, and change is under way. The post-epidemic era has not yet arrived, so now we can only experience and record in the process of "epidemic period", and try to make the Yearbook and the exhibition a special record of the era. The editorial department of the Annual picks out around 100 artists based on their performance (including their publications, exhibitions and reviews), as the objects of study in the annual, which called “the Annual Artists” . Among them only a few artists could have the original works exhibited. At the same time, the 2020 Annual also sets up a zone "Focus", aiming to keep a long term record of the top 300 young artists. Some of them will be recommended to exhibit. The following artist are among those whose original works are exhibited this year: Cao Yu, Gu Chengyang, Hu Jieming, Hu Wei, Li Binyuan, Pu Yingwei, Shi Yong, Tong Kunniao, Wang Yuyang, Zhang Wenxin.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Chinese contemporary art has faced unprecedented tests and challenges. The duality of medium and media is revealing enormous energy and infinite development and possibility, subverting the world and leaving the broadest and most unpredictable possibility for Chinese contemporary art. The reflection and practice of technology and society is also gradually shifting from stress to experiment and exploration in a new stage in the process from 2020 to 2021, and the network and interconnection are thus pushed to rigid need. Based on this, the exhibition will also form a linkage mode of online + offline with the Annual Exhibition 2020 of Beijing 798 Archives of Chinese Contemporary Art (special museum), which will constitute a link of future record and research with the exhibition as a clue.
The exhibition will last until April 10, 2022. 


● 近期活动

改造未来 | 第八届上海多伦青年美术大展 开启征稿!


上海多伦现代美术馆由上海市虹口区文化和旅游局于2003年创建,是一个按现代多功能目标规划建设的、为中国当代艺术发展和服务的非营利文化艺术机构,是一个当代艺术国际化交流的平台。它以 " 原创性、学术性、国际性 " 为办馆理念,具有展览、研究、教育、收藏、交流五大功能。





Opening hours


Tuesday to Sunday

10:00-18:00(17:30 停止入场)


Closed on Mondays


No parking space available

Contact  us



No.27 Duolun Road,Hongkou District,Shanghai




