全球开源数据库领域之翘楚相聚帝都—–ACMUG 2016 MySQL年会
2016年里,ACMUG在大家的陪伴下,一路走过了深圳、武汉、北京、厦门、上海, 白驹过隙,转眼2016即将远去, 似乎又该有一次活动了。
趁着ACMUG 2016 MySQL年会,我们也开通了正式的ACMUG公众号,以后会在这里发布各种ACMUG的活动信息,欢迎关注。
Event Detail:
活动时间:2016年12月10日 08:30 – 19:30
活动赞助:MySQL, 宝存科技, 北京中研软,腾讯云
技术支持:知数科技 央视网
联系电话:田发明 13520686116,叶金荣 15080047001
活动群组:ACMUG QQ群:272675472
报名截止:2016.12.09 23:59:59
报名地址: http://www.bagevent.com/event/269750
周彦伟 去哪儿网数据库总监,Oracle MySQL ACE Director
叶金荣 知数堂培训联合创始人,Oracle MySQL ACE
林晓斌 花名丁奇,阿里云资深数据库专家,阿里云数据库内核组负责人
彭立勋 阿里云数据库高级专家, MariaDB基金会成员, Oracle MySQL ACE
何登成 阿里集团数据库内核团队负责人
林正伟 台灣中泰科技股份有限公司CEO
相克军 北京中研软科技有限公司技术总监
特别鸣谢: MySQL
MySQL 是全球范围内最流行的开源数据库。其稳定,高效,易用使其成为互联网应用之首选数据库平台。被Facebook、Twitter、Youtube、Yahoo! 等一线互联网厂商广泛使用。
Special thanks: MySQL
MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database. With its proven performance, reliability and ease-of-use, MySQL has become the leading database choice for web-based applications, used by high profile web properties including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo! and many more.
Oracle drives MySQL innovation, delivering new capabilities to power next generation web, cloud, mobile and embedded applications.
Agenda (For now):
Topic: MyRocks: Space and write optimized MySQL database at Facebook
分享嘉宾:Yoshinori Matsunobu,Facebook业务运维工程师。MyRocks 项目主管。Yoshinori先生已经参与MyRocks项目及为其社区贡献超过10年。2006-2010年间,Yoshinori先生同时也担任MySQL Inc. 高级顾问。Yoshinori 曾经研发了多款开源产品/工具,包括MHA (自动 MySQL 主库故障转移工具) 及 quickstack。
Lecturer: Yoshinori Matsunobu is a Production Engineer at Facebook, and now is leading MyRocks project. Yoshinori has been around MyRocks community for over 10 years, and was a senior consultant at MySQL Inc since 2006 to 2010. Yoshinori created a couple of useful open source product/tools, including MHA (automated MySQL master failover tool) and quickstack.
Facebook开发并开源了其下一代基于闪存存储的OLTP SQL数据库版本,它的名字叫做MyRocks,这是一个使用RocksDB作为存储引擎的MySQL版本。Facebook已经使用MySQL(InnoDB)多年,InnoDB是一个很好的通用引擎,在多数的应用场景中,InnoDB都是最佳选择。随着业务需求变化,Facebook需要一个能在闪存存储上更高效运行,同时相较InnoDB可以对数据存储空间及数据写入进行大幅优化的数据库版本。在MySQL层之外,我们可以发现NoSQL数据库的写入方面还有很大的优化提升空间,但是Facebook想要最大化的利用当前的MySQL环境,比如基于SQL及MySQL连接器的客户端程序、Replication、相关管理工具等。为了满足这些需求,Facebook 开发了一个基于RocksDB (http://rocksdb.org/)的全新MySQL存储引擎,并将之命名为MyRocks(https://github.com/facebook/mysql-5.6)。
Topic Brief:
Facebook created and open-sourced a next generation OLTP SQL database on modern Flash storage called MyRocks — RocksDB storage engine for MySQL. Facebook has used MySQL (InnoDB) for many years, and InnoDB is a great general purpose database and in many cases is the best fit. Facebook wanted more space to write optimized databases that work more efficiently on Flash. There was room to write optimized NoSQL databases outside of MySQL ecosystem, but the company wanted to utilize existing MySQL assets like client programs relying on SQL and MySQL connectors, Replication, and administration tools. To meet these requirements, it created a new MySQL storage engine on top of RocksDB (http://rocksdb.org/) — MyRocks (https://github.com/facebook/mysql-5.6).
In this session, the speaker will introduce MyRocks, its architecture, and how Facebook is using MyRocks.
主题:使MySQL 5.6 和5.7 Percona 服务器版与众不同的工程细节
Topic: Engineering that goes into making Percona Server for MySQL 5.6 & 5.7 different
分享嘉宾:科林.查尔斯先生,Percona公司的首席布道师。早在2000年科林先生便开始使用MySQL,2005年科林先生加入了MySQL的团队,2009年MariaDB创立,科林先生为始创团队成员之一。在从事MySQL相关工作之前,科林先生是Fedora和OpenOffice.org 项目的活跃参与者。他在亚太地区的开源社区中享有盛誉,并在许多会议上做分享。
Lecturer: Colin Charles, the Chief Evangelist at Percona. He was previously on the founding team of MariaDB Server in 2009, and had worked at MySQL since 2005, and been a MySQL user since 2000. Before joining MySQL, he worked actively on the Fedora and OpenOffice.org projects. He’s well known within open source communities in APAC, and has spoken at many conferences.
MySQL Percona Server在2008年11月释出了它的第一个公开发行版,就在上个月Percona版刚刚度过了它的8周岁生日。起初Percona版只有一个谦逊的小目标,构建一个“高性能”的MySQL版本,随着Percona版多的进一步发展,我们整合了来自Google和Facebook 的诸多Patch,并且创造了比InnoDB“更好”的名为XtraDB的存储引擎,在保留了与MySQL无缝兼容的情况下,Percona版大大的改进了诸多我们关注的特性。
通过了解Percona版本的开发过程,了解Percona版本的与众不同的相关特性,了解我们如此行动之初心,例如”列压缩”,“并行doublewrite”及即将到来的MyRocks整合,将使您对Percona 版本产生一个全新的认识。
Topic Brief:
Percona Server for MySQL is now eight years old, having made its first release in November 2008. From humble beginnings as the “highperf” build, integrating Google and Facebook patches and a “better” InnoDB called XtraDB, it has enhanced its feature set focus while remaining a drop-in compatible replacement to MySQL.
The aim for Percona Server is to ensure your queries run faster, but not just speedily but also consistently. You will achieve higher uptime, but beyond that you should be able to troubleshoot without guesswork with the extra instrumentation available.
Learn about the process of developing the server, learn about the features in the server that make it different, and why we’ve done them, including things like compressed columns, parallel doublewrite buffer and the upcoming MyRocks integration.
Topic: The selection and practice of data high availability solution
Lecturer: Xiaojun Liu, Data Architect, Database Expert
Topic Brief:
See through the data characteristics in the business scenario, we will go through the high availability solutions and practice experiences under high-concurrency, massive amount of data cases.
主题:MySQL DBA打开 Hadoop的正确姿势
Topic: As a MySQL DBA, how to do a quick start on Hadoop environment.
Lecturer: Shuibin Lin, Senior DBA, Tencent Game
MySQL 和 Hadoop 一些概念、操作的对比
Hadoop 数据安全问题,探讨业界目前存在的几个常用方案
HDFS 监控介绍,以及为何我们自己进行hadoop监控设计与实现
HDFS 运维实战,包括 部署实践、扩缩容、NFS Gateway、balancer平衡策略、集群间数据同步、QJM 高可用接入等
Hadoop 在腾讯游戏内部系统的运用,简单介绍备份系统和性能数据系统
Topic Brief:
Introduction and brief history of Hadoop Ecosystem
Comparison of concepts and basic operations between MySQL and Hadoop
Discuss Hadoop data security issue and currents solutions for it.
Brief intro about HDFS monitor, and the reason we created our own Hadoop monitor system at Tencent Game.
Operation and maintenance experiences of HDFS. Deployment, scaling, NFS Gateway, balancer strategy, data synchronization between clusters, QJM high availability access etc.
主题:MySQL High Availability with Group Replication
Topic: MySQL High Availability with Group Replication
分享嘉宾:宋利兵,MySQL软件工程师。2009年加入MySQL Replication团队,从事MySQL复制功能的开发和Bug的修复工作
Lecturer: Libing Song, Software Engineer, MySQL. Libing joined the MySQL Replication team at 2009, engaged in the development and bug fix of MySQL replication.
内容简介:本主题会对MySQL 5.7的Group Replication进行全面深入的介绍。内容包括:Group Replication的功能特性、实现架构、使用场景以及性能等等。
Topic Brief: This topic covers Group Replication in MySQL-5.7, including features, implementation architecture, usage scenarios, and performance of Group Replication, and more.
主题:InnoDB 架构及调优
Topic: InnoDB Architecture and Tuning
分享嘉宾:苏斌,从2005年开始从事数据库相关的研发工作,2013年加入Oracle,作为MySQL的InnoDB team的Principle Software Engineer,正在进行New Data Dictionary相关的开发工作
Lecturer: Bin Su, engaged in database-related research and development work since 2005. Joined Oracle MySQL InnoDB Team as a Principle Software Engineer in 2013, Today Mr Su are work on the New DataDictionary Development.
Topic Brief: This top will mainly involve some of the design, function and implementation of InnoDB, and then will introduce some parameters of InnDB within the performance and functionality perspective.
Topic: Building NoSQL Application with the all brand-new MySQL
Lecturer: Ivan Tu, Technical Consultant, MySQL. Ivan is responsible for the Greater China and Asia region MySQL technology promotion and project promotion and technical guidance. Meanwhile he is also the founder of the MySQL community in Taiwan.
长久以来关系型数据库为各种应用系统提供资料完整性及安全性的服务,然而在现今需求快速变动的环境下传统的系统的开发面临了很大的挑战,这也是NoSQL的支术受到许多关注。最理想的技术是能提供一套兼具资RDBMS料完整性和Schemaless的快速开发和运作性能的基础架构。本场研讨会将为您介绍在MySQL 5.7版所提供的Document based数据库的功能,以及如何在各类应用开发环境透过x-Protocol把MySQL当作文件资料库操作JSON文件,进而支援DevOps开发技术。
各种MySQL Connector/对应用閞发的的支持
MySQL as Document Store的特性及架构
MySQL Document Based数据库所提供的功能
关键性功能-MySQL Shell所提供的API
新版MySQL Connector对Document Store的支援
您可以通过MySQL Document Store取得的效益
DevOps在和Document Store数据库的运用场景
World_x demo database及参考资讯
Topic Brief:
For a long time relational databases have provided data integrity and security services for a variety of application systems. But the development of traditional systems has been a challenge in today’s fast-changing environment, with lead NoSQL to the spotlight. The best technology is to provide a set of infrastructure with both RDBMS integrity and schemaless–rapid development and the good performance.This seminar will introduce you the Document based database Functions provided by MySQL5.7, and how to imply MySQL as a file database to operate JSON file in most kinds of application development environment through x-Protocol and thus support DevOps development technology. The speech outline is as follows
Problems that Traditional development environments are facing with under the fast-changing requirements
Support situations of MySQL Connectors for application development
Support of MySQL for DevOps
Features and architecture of MySQL as Document Store
Functions provided by using MySQL as a Document Based Database
Key features – API provided by MySQL Shell
Support for Document Store support from New MySQL Connector
Benefits from the MySQL Document Store
DevOps and Document Store databases
World_x demo database and references.
主题:阿里云 RDS for MySQL 最佳实践
Topic: The best practice on Alicloud RDS for MySQL
分享嘉宾:襄洛,阿里云资深开发工程师,从事 AliSQL 内核开发和运维工作
Lecturer: Xiangluo(nickname), Senior Development Engineer, Alicloud. Focus on development and maintenance of AliSQL。
主题简介:介绍阿里云 RDS for MySQL 云数据库服务使用的最佳实践,内容包括上云前的产品选型和数据迁移,上云后数据库的监控诊断和数据保障等。
Topic Brief: This topic covers the best practice on Alicloud RDS for MySQL. Including products selection and data migration to the cloud. Database monitor, diagnose, and Data security experiences on the cloud.
Topic: Technology Details about the Tripitaka repair project of Longquan Monastery
Lecturer: Distinguished Guest from Longquan Monastery, Master of Tripitaka repair project of Longquan Monastery
主题简介:龙泉寺一度被传为中国科研实力最强的神秘机构. – 来自坊间传闻的中国科研实力最强的神秘机构“龙泉寺”的神秘嘉宾将为我们揭开藏经平台的神秘面纱, 帮助我们管窥龙泉的科研技术实力.
Topic Brief: As an urban legend, rumors says(lol ^_^) that Longquan Monastery the mysterious institutions represent the best Scientific research ability in China. The Distinguished Guest from Longquan Monastery will reveal the hood of its Tripitaka repair project.
Topic: Data Security on SSD
演讲嘉宾:徐伟, 曾在新浪网、人人网、美丽说负责基础设施运维工作,目前担任宝存科技技术总监
Lecturer: Wei Xu,Tech Leader,Shannon Systems. Worked at SINA, RENREN, Meilishuo as a SA,
Topic Brief: SSD is popular now. As a member of main SSD Provider–Shannon Systems in China Wei will introduce some general and unique approaches on SSD Data reliability aspect.
演讲嘉宾:程彬, 2008年毕业加入腾讯,一直从事数据存储相关研发工作;在云计算浪潮涌来之时,非常幸运的参与到腾讯云存储产品的打造。目前负责腾讯云数据库(CDB)和云硬盘(CBS)技术研发相关工作。
主题简介:主要介绍腾讯云DBaaS服务的核心产品CDB围绕RPO、RTO、兼容性和扩展性核心功能上,在数据存储、多副本复制以及数据引擎上的技术演进。1.分享CDB在数据存储上的三次革命:本地存储和共享存储之间的变迁 2.分享CDB在多节点复制上的三种模式:从native replication到基于logbus的强一致演进 3.分析CDB在MySQL内核上的四个发展阶段:从面向运维、解决bug进阶成性能优化、功能深度定制,完全拥抱开源社区.