
Long Feng Science Forum Seminar Series | Seminar #68

Dear All,

You are cordially invited to the sixty-eighth seminar of Long Feng Science Forum Seminar Series. It will be delivered by Prof. Aspen X.-Y. CHEN (The University of Hong Kong) at 3 pm on June 27 (Tuesday). This seminar will discuss "Weak-Bonding Promoted Selective Transformations".

Seminar Information

Time & Date: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM on June 27 (Tuesday), Beijing time

Venue: Teaching Building D 102

Speaker: Prof. Aspen X.-Y. CHEN, The University of Hong Kong

Host: Prof. Zijie QIU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


The ability to identify and transform selectively similar constitutional fragments in molecules in a predetermined direction over all other possible directions remains a fundamental challenge in relation to the growth and reach of synthetic chemistry. A rapidly emerging approach towards this goal is to leverage weak-bonding interactions, including dynamic covalent bonds and noncovalent bonding interactions, to control regio-, enantio- and toposelectivities. This presentation will introduce my past, as well as ongoing efforts, in developing weak-bonding strategies to promote selective transformations that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.


Aspen grew up in Guangzhou, a beautiful city in southern China. After obtaining his B.S. Degree from Fudan University in 2014, he moved to the United States to pursue his Ph.D. degree at Princeton University under the supervision of Professor Erik Sorensen. His graduate research focused on the development of transition metal-catalyzed methods for the direct ortho C–H functionalizations of benzaldehydes using catalytic imine directing groups. As a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart at Northwestern University, Aspen investigated two areas within the broader theme of chemistry under nanoconfinement: 1) the use of γ-cyclodextrin metal-organic frameworks as robust nanoreactors for performing selective chemical reactions, and 2) the design of new radical recognition motifs for the construction of mechanically interlocked molecules and artificial molecular machines. Aspen has been an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) since April 2023. He is a recipient of the HKU-100, a prestigious award granted by HKU to outstanding individuals with potential for scientific and scholarly breakthroughs.


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师说 | 肖博文教授:攥紧科学的火把

走近学院 | 嘿,这里是香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院

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