实践美学:交流性的建造 | “建筑:实践美学”系列论坛之(二)
Practical Aesthetics:
Communicative Construction
主办单位 / HOST
Architectural Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University
论坛主席 / CHAIR
David Leatherbarrow
SHI Yonggao
论坛日期 / DATE
论坛时间 / TIME
8pm-11pm (UCT+8)
线上召开 / To be held online
背景 Premise建成之物总是表现为某种视觉形象,并借此交流和传达意义,但这并不意味着它们在这些方面可以等同对待。有时,构件的连结与表现有如言语一般被读解;另一些情况下,这种交流性则重在塑造体验,它以沉默但却显著的方式,跳离 "解读"而直接作用于人的知觉;还有些情况下,建筑以徽记、标志或符号来传达其再现性,旨在让人在认知层面去理解其思想与价值。因此,建筑的交流性其实发生在不同层面,把握它们则需调动感知、观察、思考等多种体认结构,这些结构包含了个体与其所处世界间的多种不同关系——这是一个被建造出来的世界,至少其中一部分是建造而成。对于这种经由建造而来的交流性,我们持有这样的前提性认识:建筑的意义源自多个方面,而建造在其中起到至关重要的作用。建筑之意义正是经由建造而达成。
All buildings, once erected, are visible; but that does not mean they are equally communicative. Legible articulations, for example, are meant to be read, rather like verbal texts. Such was the thesis argued by semiologists. Other built communications are designed to be directly experienced, with an expressive immediacy that short-circuits “reading,” in the manner of silent but significant gestures. Still other buildings, those that communicate representations (emblems, signs, or symbols), intend cognitive grasp of ideas and values. Works of this kind give rise to thought. This range of communicative encounters engages various structures of human experience—sensations, perceptions, and thoughts—that embrace different relationships between individuals and their worlds, worlds that have, of course, been constructed, at least partly. Our opening premise about communication is this: architecture makes sense in many ways, thanks in a large part to how works are actually made. Sense making means making sense.
But there’s a problem today, or, more broadly, in the modern period. Since the industrial revolution, and particularly during the last few decades, successive architectural technologies have not always acknowledged or allowed for the engagement and legibility in architecture that, we’ve said, is the basis for its cultural meaning. What’s more, in many cases the blinkered pursuit of technical attainment as an end in itself has muffled communicative engagements. As this pursuit becomes more narrowly focused, we wonder if architecture will consequently become increasingly alienated from mankind and the environment, as several critics and theorists have warned? Or, more positively, do present circumstances suggest that latent forms of communication might emerge, in direct dialogue with recent revisions to the ways that buildings are made; specifically, the use of materials, the techniques of construction, and the several agencies of realization.
议题 Topics
会议的论文和讨论将涉及三个关键话题,广义而言也就是建造中三个显明而决定性的组成部分:材料、方法与人力。每个话题中,我们将致力发掘其中潜在的交流性:1)当建筑传达意义时,材料起到什么作用(它们的特性与加工是怎样呈现表达性与喻象性的)?2)精确的施工指令与而缜密的组装安排,与工地上的临场发挥,这两种建造实施方式将对建筑的交流性产生何种影响?3)人工与机器,二者或独立进行或协同工作,它们会如何带来不同的建筑意义?The papers and discussions of the conference will address three key topics, broadly speaking the obvious and decisive constituents of architectural construction: materials, methods, and manpower. In each case we would like to discover communicative potentials:1) what roles materials play in architecture’s capacity to convey meaning (how their properties and finishes are expressive or figurative),2) the ways that exact specification and planned assembly, or on-site improvisations contribute to architectural communication, and3) how hand(s) and machine(s), working independently or in concert, to give rise to architectural sense.
议程 Schedule
此次会议是2天的线上会议,将于10月9日和10月10日在南京、美国、欧洲三地同步召开。会议包括演讲和研讨。会议注册 Registration本次会议向全体东大师生开放,同时向校外注册人员开放。会议注册需填写回执,并发送至seu_lxq@163.com, 会务组将在收到回执后,以电子邮件形式确认注册成功,并提供进一步会议信息。
This meeting is open to all SEU faculty and students. Registered teachers, students and architects from other institutions are also welcomed. Please fill in the registration chart and send it to seu_lxq@163.com. The secretaries will email back to confirm successful registration and provide zoom links.
会议秩序 Observations
1、请以”学校/机构+姓名”的方式申请进入会议等候室,名字不符合规范将不被接纳入场;2、请提前15分钟进入会议等候室,会议正式开始后不再接受加入申请;3、会议进行中请保持麦克风关闭。1. Please adjust your zoom account name to “institution + name”, incorrect format will be denied.
2. Please access the waiting room 15 minutes before the meeting. When the meeting starts, all entries will be denied.
3. Please keep your mic mute during the meeting.