







Dai Yuqiang


他曾与众多著名指挥家合作,成功主演《托斯卡》《图兰朵》《波西米亚人》《阿依达》《茶花女》《卡门》《乡村骑士》《假面舞会》《野火春风斗古城》《芦花白 木棉红》《太阳雪》《木兰诗篇》和《西施》等几十部中外歌剧,并演唱《你是这样的人》《我像雪花天上来》《喀什葛尔女郎》《又见西柏坡》等优秀作品。



Dai Yuqiang is the professor of Academy of Opera, Peking University. He is a famous tenor with the title of national first-grade actor in China. The first and only student of Luciano Pavarotti in Asia. The founder of sing with Dai and the daini0.com. Guest professor of China Conservatory of Music and People's Liberation Army Arts College. He was awarded the Plum Performance Award, Wen Hua Award, the 1st prize of the Shizuoka International Opera Competition.


Dai Yuqiang has well collaborated with various famous conductors, and successful starring  in several operas, such as Tosca, Turandot, La Bohème, Aida, La singnora delle camelie, Carmen, Cavalleria rusticana, Masquerade, Struggles in an ancient city, white reed flowers and red cotton tree, sun snow, Mulan Psalm, and Xi shi. He also performed in many famous Chinese sings including Ni shi zhe yang de ren, I come from the sky like a snow flower, Kashgar girl, An encounter with Xi Bai Po.


In 2004, Dai Yuqiang collaborated with famous singer Samuel Ramel and Maria Guleghina in Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca, which been shown at Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. This show brings him a high evaluation of “the only shining star in the stage” from the British media. In this year Dai Yuqiang also starring in La Bohème in Italy, which first directed by Luciano Pavarotti. In 2005, he made a great success in his tour opera show Aida in The United States.

In 2013, Dai Yuqiang led and founded the brand of “Sing for You-Dai Yuqiang and the future ‘opera’ star musicale”, which aim to build a broad stage to the world for young singers. This is not the end of his efforts, he founded daini0.com in 2015 with his new explore of music. daini0.com is a website with MOOC, which includes the training of vocal music skills, artistic experience and the spread of art.


Warren Mok

他是当今歌剧界享有盛名的男高音歌唱家,曾于巴黎歌剧院、罗马歌剧院、悉尼歌剧院、尼斯歌剧院、里昂歌剧院、阿根廷科隆剧院、荷兰国家歌剧院、莱比锡歌剧院、皇家丹麦歌剧院、博洛尼亚市立歌剧院、里斯本圣卡罗剧院、西雅图歌剧院、俄罗斯大剧院、波兰华沙国家大剧院、意大利卡利亚里大剧院、西班牙毕尔巴欧歌剧院、马罗卡的帕玛歌剧院、法国南西歌剧院、挪威伯根歌剧院、拉脱维亚国家歌剧院、西雅图歌剧院、夏威夷歌剧院、纽约卡耐基音乐厅、伦敦皇家艾伯特音乐厅、柏林爱乐大厅及东京三得利音乐厅、韩国首尔艺术中心及佛罗里达、布拉格、苏黎士等地的歌剧院,中国国家大剧院,北京音乐节、中央歌剧院、上海歌剧院、上海大剧院、福建大剧院、珠海华发大剧院等国内剧院中演出,主演了包括《托斯卡》《艺术家生涯》《假面舞会》《阿伊达》《弄臣》《茶花女》等剧目,以及6 0 余位经典角色。



A Hong Kong Chinese tenor with a distinguished international career,

Warren Mok was presented with the Medal of Honour from the Hong Kong Government in 2011 and World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010. And in 2008, he was also awarded Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana (Knight of the Star of Solidarity of Italy) from the Government of Italy, Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters) from the French Government. In 2015 he was also awarded the World Ten Outstanding Cantonese.

Since his European début in 1987 at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world, including Deutsche Oper Berlin, Paris Opera, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Opera Australia in Sydney Opera House, Teatro di Bologna Comunale, Teatro Carlo Felice Genova, Teatro Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Opera de Nice, Opera de Lyon, Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, The Netherlands Opera, Leipzig Opera, Royal Danish Opera, Teatro di San Carlos Lisbon, Seattle Opera, Bolshoi Theatre, Warsaw Opera, Teatro Lirico di Cagliari in Italy, ABAO Bilbao, Opera Ireland, Teatro di Palma di Mallorca, Nancy Opera France, Bergen Opera Norway, Latvian National Opera, Lithuanian National Opera, Orlando Opera Florida, Hawaii Opera Theater, concert halls in New York’s Carnegie Hall, London’s Royal Albert Hall, Berlin Philharmonie, Vienna Musik Verein, Tokyo Suntori Hall, Seoul, Prague and Zurich, National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing.


He has performed in many festivals including Vienna, Wiesbaden, Athens, Martina Franca (Italy), Arles (France), Track (Lithuania), Poland, New Zealand, Seoul Arts Centre, Beijing Music Festival, Shanghai International Arts Festival, Singapore Arts Festival, Hong Kong, Macau International Music Festival, and Taiwan. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Calaf (Turandot), Cavaradossi (Tosca), Rodolfo (La Bohème), Don Jose (Carmen), Riccardo (Masked Ball), Radames (Aïda), Don Carlos, Andrea Chenier, Tannhäuser and many others.


Wei Song



Wei Song is the head of Shanghai Normal University Music College. He was one of the judges in International de Chant de Paris. Shanghai municipal CPPCC member, and Vice chairman of Shanghai Youth Federation.


Wei Song is a baritone and also a tenor, with mellow and bright voice, known as the "typical Italy Bel canto”. He had held plenty of vocal solo concerts in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Honking and Taiwan. Cast leading roles on Turandot, Tosca, Othello, Rigoletto, the Roaring Moment, Cavalleria rusticana, Madama Butterfly, Carmen, Paris de la torche, La singnora delle camelie, Onegin, King of Chu, The Romance of West Chamber, Thunderstorm… he was praised by American vocal music master Sherrill Milnes as having the "world class singing level".


In 2003, Wei Song has been giving performs in Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi, and gained the evaluation of “the world's most outstanding tenor”. In 2004, he successfully acted the role of Othello at the Shanghai Grand Theatre, which is the most challenging role for the tenors, and than he is known as "one of the world the best Othello".

“恒业行远 至诚相伴—中国农业银行私人银行中国三大男高音保利院线巡演沈阳站”,将于12月24日在盛京大剧院上演,音乐会包含数十首耳熟能详的中外经典曲目,为沈城观众带来一场具有高艺术水准、震撼人心的艺术盛宴。


演出名称:恒业行远 至诚相伴—中国农业银行私人银行中国三大男高音保利院线巡演沈阳站

时        间:2021年12月24日 19:00

地        点:盛京大剧院 音乐厅

票        价:VIP880/680/480/280/180/30(惠民票)






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