
前沿 | Blaming China(责怪中国:感觉不错,但救不了美国经济)

政治学人 政治学人 2020-11-04






本期国际化部为大家带来了《责怪中国:感觉不错,但救不了美国经济》(Blaming China: It Might Feel Good But It Wont't Fix American's Economy by Benjamin Shobert)的书评编译。




KA ZENG,阿肯色大学政治学教授兼亚洲研究主任。她的研究重点是中国在全球经济中的作用,特别是中国的贸易政策,中国在世界贸易组织中的行为以及与中国相关的贸易争端动态。她担任China’s Foreign Trade Policy (Routledge 2007)、 China and Global Trade Governance (Routledge 2013), 和 Handbook on the International Political Economy of China (Edward Elgar 2019)等期刊丛书的编辑或共同编辑,在International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Organizations, World Development, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Experimental Political Science, Journal of World Trade, International Interactions, China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific等知名期刊上发表论文数篇。本篇书评摘自Political Science Quarterly 2019年第3期。



In this book, Benjamin Shobert does a wonderful job of dispelling the myth that China is to blame for America’s problems. Shobert uses his in‐depth knowledge of American and Chinese politics to illuminate the complex interdependencies between the world’s two largest economies. Blaming China makes the compelling argument that what is at the heart of America’s malaise is not the competitive challenge posed by China but the failures of the American political system. At a time when politicians are increasingly pointing to China as the scapegoat for America’s problems, the book provides some much‐needed clarity that could help the steer readers clear of viewing China as the root cause of America’s ongoing struggles. 

在这本书里,Benjamin Shobert很好地澄清了,美国的麻烦并非中国之过。作者用他对中美两国政治的深度理解来阐明这两个世界最大经济体的复合相互依赖。《责怪中国》掷地有声地指出,美国问题的症结并不是中国强有力的挑战,而是它自己政治体制的失灵。恰逢政客们趋之若鹜地把中国当成美国问题的替罪羊之时,本书提供了必要的清晰解读,来帮助读者们不再把中国当成美国现存矛盾的根源。

Shobert opens the book by presenting two alternative views of China. On the one hand, there are the so‐called Dragon Slayers, who are highly critical of China’s slow pace of political liberalization and oppressive domestic policies and therefore advocate a hawkish stance toward China. On the other hand, there are the Panda Huggers, who believe that the country would have been far less open and stable than it is today had the United States refrained from pursuing a policy of constructive engagement with China during the earlier years of its reform process. This discussion sets the stage for Shobert to lay out two competing visions within the United States about how to deal with China—that is, whether it would play to the American interest to adopt a values‐based or realpolitik approach toward China or whether inclusion and conciliation would be more likely to lead to meaningful changes compared with exclusion or crisis. 


The growing popularity of the Dragon Slayers’ views, fueled by rising popular discontent against the forces of globalization, leads Shobert to consider the domestic sources of America’s ongoing challenges. In the second half of the book, Shobert takes the reader on a panoramic view of America’s insecurities, both economically and politically and with regard to the country’s place in the world. Shobert rightly points out many of the failures of the American system, including the inability of its economic policy to address the negative fallout of globalization and to create manufacturing jobs at home; the tendency to treat China as a potential security threat in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks; and its dysfunctional political system. In each of these areas, Shobert does a superb job of detailing the challenges confronted by the American system. 


So what does this bode for the future? Shobert does not believe that conflict is inevitable or that the predictions of the Thucydides Trap will necessarily materialize. Instead, he argues that treating China as the source of America’s problems will increase the likelihood that the two countries will head down a path toward conflict. While continued engagement of China faces its own set of challenges, efforts to refine the engagement model and to focus on making the American system work may be more conducive to maintaining stable and peaceful relations between the two countries. 


Overall, Shobert should be applauded for writing an insightful book about the sources of tensions in America’s relations with China. His extensive background in U.S.‐China relations and deep knowledge of the two countries enabled him to produce a book that is highly sensitive to the historical, political, and cultural contexts of this complicated relationship. At a time when the “China‐bashing” sentiment permeates much of the American political system, both the scholarly and policy communities as well as the general public could benefit from Shobert’s cool‐headed and realistic analysis of China’s influence on the United States. 


编  译:夏夕钦

审  校:王汉林


前沿 | American Political Science Review(美国政治科学评论)2019.04

前沿 | Perspectives on Politics(政治透视)2019.03


一审:郑    静

二审:宋    婷

