
国际顶刊 | 《比较政治研究》2020年第9期(特辑:威权体制下的立法)

政治学人 政治学人 2020-11-04










Comparative Political Studies(比较政治研究)是美国SAGE出版社旗下学术期刊,创刊于1968年,期刊每月出版一次,主要探讨比较政治学相关内容,期刊现任主编为明尼苏达大学教授David Samuels。过去五年的影响因子为4.262,在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第12。




  1. Legislatures and Legislative Politics Without Democracy


  2. Policy Coalition Building in an Authoritarian Legislature: Evidence From China’s National Assemblies (1983-2007)


  3. Authoritarian Amendments: Legislative Institutions as Intraexecutive Constraints in Post-Soviet Russia


  4. Authoritarian Gridlock? Understanding Delay in the Chinese Legislative System


  5. Position Taking or Position Ducking? A Theory of Public Debate in Single-Party Legislatures


  6. Legislatures and Policy Making in Authoritarian Regimes




01 非民主的立法机关和立法政治                              


Legislatures and Legislative Politics Without Democracy


Jennifer Gandhi, Ben Noble, and Milan Svolik



What do authoritarian legislatures and legislators do? Would outcomes in dictatorships be different if they were absent? Why do dictatorships have legislatures in the first place? These questions represent central puzzles in the study of authoritarian politics and institutions. The introductory article to this special issue on legislatures in nondemocracies discusses what we now know about these assemblies; what the issue’s articles contribute to this body of knowledge; and what future work might fruitfully look at. The special issue as a whole aims to advance the research agendas of both authoritarian institutions and legislative studies.

02 威权立法机构中的政策联盟建设:来自1983年至2007年间人民代表大会及政治协商会议的证据         


Policy Coalition Building in an Authoritarian Legislature: Evidence From China’s National Assemblies (1983-2007)


Xiaobo Lü, Mingxing Liu, and Feiyue Li




Recent studies of authoritarian legislatures underscore the importance of institutions for cooptation and information collection, but many still consider authoritarian legislatures rubber stamps in policy making. We argue that authoritarian legislatures could be important arenas of the contestation reflected in delegates’ bills and proposals instead of their voting outcomes. Specifically, government agencies use authoritarian legislatures to build policy coalitions to advance their policy agendas. Delegates serve as proxy fighters for key party and government elites with different policy preferences. We provide evidence based on an original dataset containing education-related bills and policy proposals submitted to both Chinese national assemblies between 1983 and 2007. We identify the existence of the policy coalitions, and find coalition building is more intensified prior to the promulgation of education-related laws. We then employ network analysis to illustrate the channels behind policy coalition network.

03 威权式修正案:立法机构作为苏联解体后的行政机构间的制约因素                           


Authoritarian Amendments: Legislative Institutions as Intraexecutive Constraints in Post-Soviet Russia


Ben Noble



Why are executive bills sometimes amended significantly in authoritarian legislatures? Bill change clashes with the conventional picture of parliaments in nondemocracies as “rubber stamp” bodies. Recent work challenging the “rubber stamp” model suggests that cases of amendment are the result of legislator influence. This article proposes an alternative argument: Amendment can result from intraexecutive policy-making processes, unresolved in the prelegislative, cabinet-level stage. Factionalised executives can use legislative institutions to help overcome information asymmetries, as well as the commitment and monitoring problems involved in collective decision making. The article evaluates this alternative account using a combination of statistical and case-study analyses, drawing on both cross-national and fine-grained data from contemporary Russia. The findings contribute to our knowledge of authoritarian legislatures, policy-making processes in nondemocracies, and Russian politics.

04 威权的僵局?理解中国立法体制中的拖延现象     


Authoritarian Gridlock? Understanding Delay in the Chinese Legislative System


Rory Truex



Legislative gridlock is often viewed as a uniquely democratic phenomenon. The institutional checks and balances that produce gridlock are absent from authoritarian systems, leading many observers to romanticize “authoritarian efficiency” and policy dynamism. A unique data set from the Chinese case demonstrates that authoritarian regimes can have trouble passing laws and changing policies—48% of laws are not passed within the period specified in legislative plans, and about 12% of laws take more than 10 years to pass. This article develops a theory that relates variation in legislative outcomes to the absence of division within the ruling coalition and citizen attention shocks. Qualitative analysis of China’s Food Safety Law, coupled with shadow case studies of two other laws, illustrates the plausibility of the theoretical mechanisms. Division and public opinion play decisive roles in authoritarian legislative processes.

05 表态或回避?关于一党制立法机构公开辩论的理论


Position Taking or Position Ducking? A Theory of Public Debate in Single-Party Legislatures


Paul Schuler



Are representatives in authoritarian legislatures encouraged to take positions on salient issues? More generally, why do some autocracies allow public debate on hot topics at all? Understanding the dynamics of public legislative debate is important for the roles authoritarian legislatures are theorized to play in regime legitimation and information provision. I argue that the decision to allow public debate depends on autocratic incentives to mobilize public sentiment against the bureaucracy. While allowing debate on salient issues risks galvanizing antiregime sentiment, doing so may also mobilize public opinion against wayward government officials to improve performance and deflect blame. Therefore, I predict that autocrats will only allow public debate on issues they have delegated to the government. I test this using an automated content analysis of debate in the Vietnam National Assembly, with results showing evidence of position taking on salient issues, but only on issues the party delegates to the state.

06 威权政权下的立法与政策制定 


Legislatures and Policy Making in Authoritarian Regimes


Scott Williamson & Beatriz Magaloni


本特刊中收录的文章表明,威权体制的立法机构往往以各式各样的方式影响对国家的政策过程,尽管这些影响依然受限于威权政治的性质。本期四篇文章的作者们运用了新颖的、关于某些具体国家的数据,详细地分析了立法机构在威权政策过程中扮演的角色。首先,Noble (2020) 对俄罗斯的研究及Lü等人 (2020)对中国的研究表明,立法者通过与行政部门官员的互动或参与精英联盟,影响重大政策的决策过程;即使立法者的影响仍然相对薄弱、产生的更广泛的结果也很少受到怀疑。第二, 如Noble(2020)、Lü等人(2020)及Truex(2020)研究所示,与有关威权体制的普遍观念不同,政策制定的过程通常由偏好不同的政权竞争者共同参与,因此混乱而低效。第三,Schuler(2020)通过对越南的研究证明,立法机构被允许就已经授权的政策问题进行公开辩论;其目的是让政府官员承担责任,让公众因绩效不佳向官员追责。

This special issue demonstrates that authoritarian legislatures often matter for their countries’ policy processes in myriad ways, despite the fact that their influence is constrained by the nature of authoritarian politics. In all four of the special issue’s articles, the authors use novel, country-specific data to provide detailed analysis of legislature activity in authoritarian policy processes. First, as illustrated by Noble’s (2020) writing on Russia and Lü et al.’s (2020) writing on China, legislators may shape major policy decisions through their interactions with executive branch officials or their participation in elite coalitions, even when they remain relatively weak and broader outcomes are rarely in doubt. Second, as shown by Noble (2020), Lü et al. (2020), and Truex (2020), policy processes in these institutions are often defined by competing regime actors who hold divergent preferences, and as such, these processes can be messy and inefficient, contrary to popular notions of authoritarian policy making. And third, as demonstrated by Schuler (2020) through his study of Vietnam, legislatures may be permitted to engage in open debate on delegated policy issues, with the goal of holding government officials accountable and shaping the public’s attributions of blame for poor performance.

编  译:宋文佳 欧阳博雅

审  校:宋文佳 欧阳博雅


顶刊前沿 | 《比较政治研究》 2020年第7-8期(Comparative Political Studies)

顶刊前沿 | 《比较政治学杂志》2020年第3期



二审:袁    丁


