
Hand in Hand国际儿童音乐节 International Children's Music Festival

2017-05-13 Hand in Hand MAOLivehouse杭州


地点:杭州市上城区中山南路77号尚城1157·利星3楼 MAO Livehouse




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 先来看看Hand in Hand的宣传片吧!


Hand in Hand国际儿童音乐节

Hand in Hand国际儿童音乐节的主题是“幸福时光·全家共享”,这是中国第一个适合全家共享的国际性音乐盛宴。音乐节由美国驻华记者Rebecca Kanthor和她的中国丈夫刘健共同创办,刘健是位作家、音乐人和杂志编辑。Rebecca和刘健夫妇现在有两个孩子,他们创办这个音乐节的初衷是为了能让自己的孩子看到不同国家的现场音乐,通过音乐去了解世界各国的文化

Hand in Hand International Children’s Music Festival is China’s first international music festival meant for the whole family. The festival was founded by American journalist Rebecca Kanthor and her Chinese musician and author husband Liu Jian. They created the festival to allow their children (and all Chinese children) to experience live music from around the world and learn about different cultures through music. 


这是Hand in Hand国际儿童音乐节的五年计划。Rebecca和刘健夫妇决定在这5年之内,邀请世界上10个国家的最棒、最酷的儿童音乐家去中国的100座城市表演。今年他们邀请的是来自美国的幸运家庭乐队和来自荷兰的酷哥乐队,在六月和十月的前后,去中国的15座城市表演。

Over the next 5 years, Liu Jian and Rebecca will invite the best and coolest children’s music bands from 10 countries around the world to perform in 100 Chinese cities in China. This year they are inviting award-winning Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band from the United States and Hippe Gasten from the Netherlands to tour fifteen cities in June and October. 




Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band(USA)

幸运家庭乐队是格莱美奖和艾美奖的双重获得者,由丈夫Lucky Diaz和太太Alisha Gaddis一起创办。《华盛顿邮报》誉其为“美国新时代儿童音乐的标志”、《今日美国》称他们是“最好的新锐儿童乐队”、《纽约时报》把他们称作“超级巨星”、《人物》杂志说他们是“最酷的儿童音乐家”。他们主创的系列儿童电视节目Lishy Lou and Lucky Too在美国公共电视台(PBS)播放,荣获艾美奖。



Husband and wife duo Lucky Diaz and Alisha Gaddis are two-time Latin Grammy Award and three-time Emmy award winners who have been named ‘THE face of kindie music’ by The Washington Post, ‘SUPERSTARS’ by Red Tricycle, and ‘The Rolling Stones of Kids Music’ by the Style Network. PEOPLE Magazine called their album “The #1 in COOLEST kids’ music!” They are the stars of PBS program ‘Lishy Lou and Lucky Too’ - a color-splashed, family-friendly variety show ala Peewee’s Playhouse. Their hit song “Thingamajig” was named “Song of the Year,” and “A smash hit!” by several parenting publications. NPR exclaimed, “This music is rocking!”


The songs on their five award-winning and acclaimed recordings offer an incredible range aimed at exploring all of the joyous wonder of a young person’s life. The duo has logged thousands of miles touring the country and performing in sold-out venues such as the Smithsonian, Los Angeles Book Festival Target Stage, Skirball Cultural Center, NYC Symphony Space, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) and Madison Square Park. Their songs have been featured in a Coca-Cola commercial and they’ve collaborated with GAP, Whole Foods, LEGO, and Discmakers.


Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band is on the pulse of all things kids’ music and brings smart, crafty lyrics with irresistibly fresh pop beats. As Zooglobble states, “It’ll take you all of about 15 minutes to become a fan of Lucky Diaz.”


       Hippe Gasten(Holland)




Hippe Gasten is a rock band made for kids. They take kids seriously and use their creativity to make music that kids love and parents enjoy too. They want to create great memories for the kids who come to their shows, especially as its often their young fans’ first rock concert. Their show is energetic and interactive, with the band members getting kids up on stage to show them how to be rock stars. At the end of the show, everyone leaves with a smile on their face.


Hippe Gasten’s latest album is called “One of a Kind.” Through their songs, they emphasize that everyone is unique and tell kids, “Don’t try to be anybody but yourself.”  They appeal to kids and adults alike with their catchy rock beats and lyrics written from a child’s point of a view. Hippe Gasten looks forward to performing for each and every one of their unique fans. 

Hand in Hand国际儿童音乐节

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About  MAO

Musician Audience Organizer

The A-list bands foster the A-list audience.

The A-list audience fosters the A-list bands.

The A-list staff fosters the A-list bands and audience as well.

That's MAO Livehouse we're talking about.


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