

疫情防控措施的通告(第188号)Notification of Strengthening COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measuresin Certain Areas of Shiling Town (No. 188)

近日,我区疫情零星散发、局部聚集,社会面传播风险持续加大,防控形势严峻复杂。为有效阻断疫情传播扩散风险,切实保障广大人民群众生命安全和身体健康,经综合审慎研判,决定对狮岭镇山前旅游大道以南、京广铁路以东区域(除高风险区外)的狮岭镇辖区范围,实行如下强化社会面疫情防控措施:Recently, Shiling Town has seen a challenging and complex situation in COVID-19 prevention and control, with sporadic outbreaks and an increasing risk of community transmission. To curb the spread of COVID-19 and protect people’s health and safety, we have made a thoughtful decision to implement the following prevention and control measures in the area with Shanqian Lvyou Avenue to the north and the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway to the west (excluding high-risk areas) in Shiling Town:
一、严格限制人员流动。市民除接受核酸检测和紧急就医等外,原则上非必要不外出,不串门、不扎堆、不聚集。村(经济社)、物业小区、产业园区实行封闭式管理,入口严格实行测温、扫场所码和查验24小时内核酸检测阴性证明等措施。每天每户可安排1人,按照分时有序方式,就近购买生活物资,或到小区、指定区域无接触式领取购买物资。I. Residents’ movement shall be strictly controlled. They may not go outdoors except for essential reasons such as PCR tests or emergency medical treatment and shall avoid visiting and gathering. Villages (economic cooperatives), residential communities, and industrial parks shall be put under closed-off management; measures such as temperature checks, venue code scanning, and verification of 24-hour negative PCR test results shall be strictly implemented at the entrances.Only one person  in each household is allowed to buy daily necessities nearby on a staggered schedule, or collect delivery packages without contact in the designated area of their communities once a day.
二、实行临时交通管控。公交全时段暂停服务。除保障城市基本运行、医疗、应急和疫情防控相关的车辆在落实相应管理措施的前提下予以通行外,其他车辆(包括私家车、电动车、自行车)不得流动。II. Temporary traffic control measures shall be implemented. Bus services will be suspended all day long. Vehicles responsible for meeting the city’s basic needs of transportation, medical services, emergencies and for COVID-19 response can be granted access in accordance with relevant COVID-19 control measures. Other vehicles (including private cars, electric motorbikes and bikes) are required to stay off roads in principle.
三、除承担防疫任务的医务工作者、保供人员、村(社区)工作人员、城市运行保障工作人员、志愿者、机关企事业单位干部职工,其他人员原则上居家办公,或就地转为村(社区)志愿者,向所在村(社区)报到,全面参与防疫工作志愿服务。III. Apart from medical workers, suppliers, village (community) staff, public transportation staff, volunteers, and employees of government departments and public institutions responsible for COVID-19 prevention and control, other people are required to either work from home or work as volunteers in their local villages (communities) to help fight COVID-19 and serve the residents.
四、强化重点场所管理。各高校、职业院校和技工院校实施封闭管理。各中小学校、幼儿园暂停返校及线下教学。校外培训机构继续暂停线下教学,托育、托管机构继续暂停服务。IV. COVID-19 prevention and control measures shall be strengthened in key sites and institutions. Universities, technical and vocational education institutions will be placed under closed-off management. Primary schools, secondary schools, and kindergartens shall be closed and their offline classes suspended. All non-school training institutions shall continue  suspending offline teaching, and nursery and childcare institutions continue to suspend their services.
五、严格住宿场所防控。酒店、宾馆和其他住宿场所应严格实行测温、扫场所码和查验24小时内核酸检测阴性证明等措施,询问入住人员旅居史。所有外地来(返)穗人员,在抵花后严格落实“三天三检”和“三不”(3天内不参加聚餐、聚会等聚集性活动,不进入人群密集场所和重点机构,不乘坐公共交通工具)要求。对7天内有高风险区旅居史的来(返)花人员,必须及时向村(社区)报告,在抵花后实施“7天居家隔离”,不具备居家隔离条件或自愿集中隔离的,实行集中隔离。对故意隐匿本人或他人旅居史、接触史的,依法追究法律责任。V. Accommodation facilities shall implement strict prevention and management measures.Hotels, guesthouses, and other accommodation venues shall adopt measures such as temperature checks, venue code scanning, and 24-hour negative PCR test result checks. They must ask about their guests’ recent travel history. All travelers who come (return) to Guangzhou from other regions  shall complete the PCR test as soon as they arrive in Huadu, and take PCR test once a day on the second and third days. During the first three days, they shall refrain from attending gatherings such as group dining and parties, visiting crowded places and key sites of epidemic control, or taking public transportation. Those who come (return) to Huadu with a travel history in high-risk areas over the past seven days shall report to the local villages (communities) as soon as possible and undergo a 7-day mandatory home quarantine. Those who do not have the conditions for home quarantine or are voluntary for centralized quarantine will be transferred to centralized quarantine facilities. Those who intentionally conceal  their or others’ travel or contact history shall be investigated for legal liability according to law.
六、严格工作人员管理。各单位要加强支援疫情防控工作人员管理,严格落实闭环管理措施,支援疫情防控工作人员的集中居住场所(含酒店、宾馆和其他住宿场所)不得同时接待社会面客人入住(经属地镇街或疾控部门评估同意的除外)。VI. Staff shall be put under strict management.All entities shall strengthen the management of the epidemic prevention and control staff and strictly implement closed-loop management measures. Centralized residences of the epidemic prevention and control staff (including hotels, hostels, and other accommodation facilities) may not cater other guests (unless approved by the local town, subdistrict or infection control authorities).
七、除保障市民生活和城市基本运行的水、电、燃油、燃气、通讯、环卫、粮油肉菜供应、物流货运、生活超市(含农贸市场)、药店、医疗机构、餐饮类企业(只提供到店自取、外卖订餐服务)等行业和场所正常运行外,其余生产经营性场所一律暂时停产停业。进入以上场所应严格落实“场所码”等扫码核验工作,须持有24小时内核酸检测阴性证明VII. Apart from providers of public services such as water, electricity, fuel, gas, telecommunication, sanitation, food supplies, stores offering logistics services, supermarkets (including farmers’ markets), pharmacies, medical institutions, and catering service providers (takeaway and delivery services only), all factories and businesses shall suspend their production and operation. Efforts in ensuring venue code scanning at the entrance of the above-mentioned venues shall be strengthened. Visitors must present their 24-hour negative PCR test results before entering the above-mentioned venues.
八、各村(社区)建立专门的服务保障队伍,设立暖心服务热线和医疗咨询热线,及时响应市民诉求。VIII. All villages (communities) shall establish dedicated service guarantee teams and set up service and medical inquiry hotlines to respond to residents’ requests in a timely manner.
本通告实施时间为2022年11月28日0时至11月30日24时,后续将根据疫情防控形势作动态调整。疫情防控、人人有责,希望广大市民群众理解、支持、配合。若出现因不履行主体责任、拒不执行防疫要求造成疫情传播的单位和个人,将依法追究责任。This notification shall take effect from 0:00 on November 28 to 24:00 on November 30, 2022, and will be dynamically adjusted according to the changing COVID-19 prevention and control situation. Fighting against COVID-19 is a shared responsibility for all. Thank you for your understanding, support and cooperation. Entities and individuals who fail to fulfill their obligations or refuse to implement COVID-19 control requirements will be held legally responsible if their actions have led to the further spread of COVID-19.
特此通告!Notification is hereby given.
广州市花都区新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部2022年11月27日Huadu District COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command CenterNovember 27, 2022




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