






1. 资助额度:全额奖学金

2. 培养方式与资助年限:奖学金项目适用于上海交通大学凯原法学院中国法全英文硕士项目。项目采用“1+1”模式,即学生第一年在上海交通大学完成全日制基础课程学习与考察研究工作,并完成学位论文的准备工作,第二学年回所在国结合其自身本职工作实际,完成学位论文,并按上海交通大学要求来华进行学位论文答辩,合格者获得学位。


1. 非中华人民共和国国籍,年龄不超过45周岁,身心健康。

2. 具有本科及以上学历,有三年及以上工作经历;具有与所申请项目相关专业学习或工作背景者优先。

3. 申请者须为以下四类人员之一:

① 所在国政府部门处级(或相应级别)及以上的公职人员;

② 机构和企业等单位高级管理人员;

③ 高校和科研机构行政管理人员;

④ 有国际组织任职或实习相关经历人员。 


申请人应于2023年3月31日前,根据《上海交通大学2023年国际研究生项目招生简章》要求,登录上海交通大学申请系统 http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn,填写申请信息、上传报名资料,提交报名。在奖学金申请时,请选择“通过使领馆申请奖学金”。

申请人应于2023年4月30日前登录中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统(http:// studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login)进行网上报名,并向国家留学基金提交申请材料。申请人在申报时应已获得上海交通大学预录取通知书。网报时奖学金类型选择“Type A”,受理机构代码为:1563,申报项目为“中国政府来华留学卓越奖学金项目”。

Notice on the Launch of Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Master Program at KoGuan School of Law of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

I. YES China Master Program

To cultivate global governance talents with broad international vision, excellent comprehensive quality, outstanding leadership and cross-cultural background, the China Scholarship Council implements the Youth of Excellence Scheme of China (YES China) master program sponsored by Chinese government scholarship. Recently, KoGuan School of Law was approved for the Program. The following information is hereby made public:

II. Funding

1. Amount of funding: Full scholarship

2. Training mode and duration: The scholarship program is applicable to the LLM program in Chinese Law of KoGuan School of Law. The program adopts the "1+1" mode, according to which students will finish their full-time basic course study, conduct research work and complete the dissertation preparation in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the first academic year. In the second academic year, students will return to their home countries to complete their dissertation according to their own work practices and conduct their dissertation defense according to the requirements of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, students who pass the dissertation defense will be awarded degrees.

III. Admission Requirements

Applicants participated in this program are required as below,

1. Non-citizens of the People's Republic of China, under the age of 45, in good physical and mental health.

2. With a bachelor's degree, working experiences of three or more years; Applicants with a with related learning or working background are preferred.

3. Applicants must be in one of four categories:

①Civil servants at division-head level (or corresponding level) and above in the government departments of the host country;

②  Senior managers of institutions, enterprises and other units;

③  Administrative staff of universities and scientific research institutions; 

④People with relevant work or internship experience in international organizations.

IV. Application Procedure

Applicants may log in to the application system of Shanghai Jiao Tong University ( http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn  ) to fill in the application information, upload the application documents, and submit the application before March 31, 2023 in accordance with the requirements of “2023 SJTU International Graduate Adimissions”. When filling in Step 9 “Apply for Scholarship”, please select “Apply for the Scholarship through Chinese Embassies ” in “Scholarship Category” part.

Applicants shall make online application before April 30, 2023 at Chinese Government Scholarship Information System ( http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login  ), input application information, submit supporting documents and finish other steps required by the system. In the “Input Application Information” step, applicants shall choose “Type A Application”, the Agency Number is: 1563 and the application project is “Youth of Excellence Scheme of China master program”. At the time of application, applicants should have obtained the pre-admission notice from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

