
[TEACHER PROFILE] Violin Virtuoso Cindy Guo

2016-05-09 YCIS Beijing YCISBeijing

YCIS Beijing’s Unique Violin Programme gives young learners from Years 1 to 3 the opportunity to develop musical skills and instills within them a deep appreciation of music. A key piece in helping students grow and discover the fascinating and emotional world of music is our violin teachers. In this edition of Teacher Profiles, we talk to the talented Cindy Guo, one of YCIS Beijing’s passionate music teachers.

Please give a short introduction about yourself.

My name is Cindy Guo. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in violin performance and a Master Degree in violin teaching from the Central Conservatory of Music in China.

What are your roles and responsibilities at YCIS Beijing?

I am a Primary School violin teacher at YCIS BJ. I teach Y1-Y3 kids basic violin techniques, both performance and theory.

What do you find particularly rewarding about working in your role at YCIS Beijing?

I find two things particularly rewarding about my work at YCIS Beijing. First is when I get to see my students learn to play a song or when they stand onstage to perform the violin.

Teaching students how to play the violin also teaches me how to continue to develop my teaching skills. Because every student is different, we constantly need to find different ways to help them succeed, which really enriches our teaching methods.

Learn more from Ms Guo about the distinct benefits students acquire from violin lessons by following the link below!

