
[GREEN YCIS] The Path to a Sustainable Future

2016-05-30 YCIS Beijing YCISBeijing

Beijing makes us as parents acutely aware of the severity of ecological issues and the importance of solving them. From the very beginning of their school career at YCIS Beijing, students are equipped with the tools and mindset necessary to instil a sense of environmental responsibility through a combination of hands-on learning and unique character education programmes. These programmes ensure the students become proactive agents of environmental responsibility, ensuring a brighter future for our globalised world.

Starting Young

By utilizing a play-based learning programme in our Early Childhood Education Centre, our youngest learners interact directly with the natural environment. Students learn about nature during class time, where they explore a variety of topics by making models, maps, and dioramas which are then backed with real world experiences during field trips to butterfly farms, zoos, and aquariums. Instilling a sense of appreciation for the environment in children at an early age is crucial for them to develop into environmentally responsible adults.

Understanding the Concepts

In Primary School, students are able to understand the more complex issues that surround us on a local and global scale. Learning about the environment comes in the form of case studies and supervised in-class experiments which develop in students a deeper understanding of the root causes of environmental degradation. YCIS Beijing teachers seek out examples of real life situations for the students to analyse and discuss to allow them to discover long and short-term solutions. During their water studies unit, Primary School children looked at droughts and their impact on human existence as well as water pollution, salination problems, and the water table. Practicing critical thinking enables our students to enter society armed with the necessary tools to tackle future problems with sound reasoning and an open mind.

Find out how Secondary School students tackle environmental degredation head-on by following the link below!

