
30 Hour Famine: Go Hungry to Help Disabled Kids

2016-11-28 YCISBeijing

A staple of YCIS Beijing's Upper Secondary School service-based activity is the annual 30 Hour Famine, an opportunity for students to raise money for a worthwhile cause as well as personally experience a challenge that millions of people face on a day-to-day basis.


Year 13 student and head event organizer Lily Sandifer-Stech spoke on the purpose of the event and what she learned through the planning process.  

十三年级学生以及此次活动的组织者Lily Sandifer-Stech和我们分享了此次活动的目的以及她从此次活动中学习到的经验。

Please introduce the event.


The 30-hour famine asks students to volunteer not eat for 30 hours as well as get sponsorships for this feat to raise money for the organization World Vision. We started at 8:20 in the morning on a Friday and ended at 2:20 the following day.


We work with a specific branch of World Vision that gives money to disabled people. We had a presenter visit us who talked about the importance of the disabled children they help receiving therapy before they're 6 years old to build up necessary strength. The money we raise goes to giving children a safe environment to receive this therapy.


To learn more about Lily's experience, please click Read more below.


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