
[ECE NEWS] The Importance Of Outdoor Play

2016-11-08 YCISBeijing

Winter is coming! Do you know how much time your kids should be spending outside? The answer according to our ECE Co-ordinator Maryanne Harper may surprise you. 

As our Beijing weather starts to turn rather chilly, and the AQI begins to climb, we may ask ourselves about the necessity of taking children outdoors to play.

Do children really need opportunities to run and climb in the cold? 

The answer is: absolutely! We must continue to provide time and space to enjoy energetic play daily. We can provide large portable equipment that children can move about safely and cooperatively to create their own structures.

We practice movement skills through games with beanbags, cones, balls, and hoops. We can enjoy activities where children can practice moving in different ways and at different speeds, such as balancing, target throwing, rolling, kicking, and catching. We offer activities that give children the opportunity and motivation to practice manipulative skills, e.g. painting or playing instruments. We enjoy the outdoor environment and feel the wind in our hair!

To read the whole article, please follow the link below. 






我们可以提供大量的便携式设备材料,孩子们可以安全的使用,并合作搭建自己的作品。我们在游戏的过程中使用沙包、锥桶、球、圆环等练习运动技能。我们让孩子们练习不同的运动方式、速度、平衡、目标投掷、滚动、踢、抓 等,并享受运动的过程。 我们提供给孩子们实践动手能力的活动机会,例如绘画、演奏乐器。

我们享受户外环境,感觉风在吹动我们的头发! 我们会教导孩子们在寒冷的天气里保暖。我们鼓励孩子们进行体育锻炼的游戏。它不但有助于孩子保持温暖,同时可以提高运动技能和健身水平,这对于每个孩子来说都是非常重要的。尽管有人担心孩子可能会生病,但实际上这没有科学证据表明它会真实的发生。事实上,尽情的享受户外活动会使孩子们拥有更健康的身心。我们幼教部会在冬季持续开展户外活动…我们甚至可以做一个雪人!

[TEACHER TALKS] The Value of After School Activities

[ARTS] Sublime Storytime at YCIS Beijing

[NEWS] The Power of Play-Based Learning

