
World Water Day Makes a Schoolwide Splash 世界水日让校园动起来

2017-04-07 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

This week, Year 7 students conducted a schoolwide fundraiser in honor of World Water Day. In addition to a lunchtime bake sale and games, all proceeds of which were donated directly to the charity Water for South Sudan, students presented research projects on water availability and water pollution to raise awareness regarding both of these worldwide crises. 


Thanks to their efforts, our Year 7 students raised over 6,000 RMB in just a few hours for this important charity, plus demonstrated their commitment to global citizenship with their inspiring projects and presentations.


According to Alana Martin, Year 7 English and Humanities Teacher and principal organizer of this event, Year 7 students have been learning about water all year, learning not just about the origins of water, water on earth, and other scientific facts, but also how water shapes the human experience.” 

七年级英文和人文老师,同时也是这次活动的主要组织者,Alana Martin说,七年级学生整年都在学习水的相关知识,包括水的起源,地球上的水以及其他科学事实,还有水是如何影响人类历史的。

World Water Day, and the corresponding fundraiser, served as a rally point for students to create projects based on what they’d been learning about throughout the year, motivating students to pour extra effort into their projects.


Below, with Ms. Martin’s help, we outlined just a few of the benefits that projects like these bring to our students.


The projects were also an excellent example of the role that teachers embrace at YCIS Beijing: a supporting guide for student development rather than the central focus of a classroom. Ms. Martin remarks, “I didn’t tell them what they had to research or what they had to make. I only told them they could choose the role of publicist or innovator, then helped to guide them in conducting their research and creating their own projects.” 


This freedom of learning increased student enthusiasm; the students ended up really caring about what they built and put in front of their audience.


Learn about all the benefits projects like these can offer students by tapping “Read more” below! 


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