
[UGC] The Ultimate University Packing Checklist【大学指导顾问】大学升学行李清单

2017-05-26 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

For YCIS Beijing and many other Year 13 students around the world, anxious anticipation has turned to glee as university acceptances have poured in, with many students receiving offers to attend their dream schools around the world. Once the difficult choice of which university to settle on has been made, students are faced with yet another daunting task: packing.


For students studying abroad, it can be especially challenging to decide or know what to bring, especially if you’ve never lived in or even visited the country in which they’ll be studying. Thankfully, our University Guidance Counselor Susan Wiltshire is here to help with a set of essentials that will guarantee any student’s safety, happiness, and ease of adaptation, no matter what country to which they are relocating!

对于在国外学习的学生来说,决定或知道要携带的物品尤其具有挑战性,特别是如果从未去过将要学习的国家。好消息是,有我们的大学指导顾问Susan Wiltshire坐阵,为学生们提供必要的帮助,保障他们不论前往哪个国家都能安全、开心、轻松地渡过适应期。

Below we’ve included a brief selection of packing essentials. Be sure to tap “Read more” at the bottom of the article to view the full list on our website!


1. Pack an overnight bag for hand luggage in case your big luggage goes missing.


2. Bring your birth certificate. You’ll probably need it to set up a bank account and possibly for registering at a university or collecting scholarship awards.


3. A supply of meds, vitamins and supplements that you routinely take. You might not find what you're used to where you’re studying and it's important to keep healthy.


4. Currency for the country in which you’ll be living. As soon as you reach the airport, you'll be looking for transport. Be armed with some small notes in the local currency and a city map.


[RESULTS] The Class of 2017's Top University Offers 2017届毕业生大学录取捷报

[ESSENTIALS] Attention Year 12's: Check Out These Tips! 十二年级注意:看看这些小窍门!

[TRANSITIONS] What I Learned at YCIS Beijing

