
Lost in Beijing? Your Kids May be the Answer 在北京迷路了?您的孩子也许可以帮忙解决

2017-06-02 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

If you’ve just moved to Beijing, the experience can be a bit overwhelming. Once routine and simple activities, from ordering food to asking directions to getting your hair cut, become far more complex when trying to conduct them in a language as challenging as Chinese!

如果你刚刚搬到北京,这段经历可能有点让人难以承受。 每一次例行和简单的活动,从点餐到询问路线到剪你的头发,当你试图用中文做这些事情时就会变得更加具有挑战性。

Recently, our Chinese as an Additional Language (CAL) learners in Primary School were challenged to create a Practical Guide to Beijing using all the knowledge they’ve accrued during their time in YCIS Beijing classes. These projects, presented through a recent assembly for our parents, both offered helpful language tips for ordering food, getting your hair cut, and finding your way to the best tourist destinations in Beijing while also showcasing the considerable language skills they’ve picked up in such a short amount of time.


Perhaps most encouragingly, many of our students have become little translators for their non-Chinese speaking parents, even able to flawlessly barter with the local wet market vendors.


Nikki Liu, Chinese Language Teacher and principle organizer of this event, filled us in on some of the essential language skills ourPrimary students learn in their CAL classes at YCIS Beijing:

Nikki LIU我们的中文老师也是这次活动的主要组织者,在北京耀中国际学校附加语言课堂上她告知了我们的小学生一些基本语言技能的学习。

Throughout the year,students have been learning about different day-to-day scenarios and how to communicate in each situation. Students have been challenged to think about how they can create a “life guide” for people who have just moved to the city using what they’ve learned.

这一整年,学生们已经学习了不同的日常场景和在各种的情况下如何沟通。 学生们一直在挑战去思考如何为那些刚刚搬到城市中的人们创建一个“生活指南”通过他们所学到的东西。

For example, when talking about their favorite places in Beijing, what should a new visitor know about it? Maybe visitors want to try some traditional Chinese food; in that case, students offer some ways to order food and some recommendations of their favorite dishes.


By seeing how much they can communicate, this activity gives students a great sense of pride as well as more confidence and interest in learning Chinese. Plus, parents reap the benefits of having a little translator to make the local side of Beijing more accessible!


Learn more about our Chinese programme by tapping “Read more” below!


[TRAVEL] Visit Beijing's Lesser Known Cultural Sites 拜访北京鲜为人知的文化遗址

[TEACHER TALKS] The Right Age to Start a Bilingual Education 孩子开始双语教育的最佳年龄

[STUDENT LIFE] How My Sons Mastered Mandarin for the Market

