
4 Tips to Improve Your Child's Spelling 四种小技巧帮助提高孩子的拼写能力

2017-06-09 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

Our 20 best spellers from Years 5-9, selected through smaller homeroom competitions, participated in our formal Spelling Bee in the school auditorium, taking turns spelling more and more difficult words until only one speller remained standing. Congratulations to our Year 6 student Fred Cho for taking home top honors!

从五至九年级班级比赛选出的20名最棒的“拼字王”在学校礼堂参加了正式的拼写比赛,比赛规则是轮流拼写难度越来越高的单词,淘汰直至最后一人。最后的赢得比赛的人是六年级的Fred Cho,恭喜他获得最终胜利!

Primary Curriculum Coordinator Jennifer Mills spoke with us about how parents can help their kids to learn how to spell more effectively and become a spelling champion themselves in the future.

小学课程主管Jennifer Mills女士和我们探讨了家长如何能够更好的帮助孩子更有效地学习拼写,将来成为一名拼写小能手。

Mnemonics – To spice up all the memorizing and practice necessary to become a good speller, offer some silly mnemonics for your kids to use to help them spell better. Many examples can be found online. 

记忆方法 – 为了使记忆和练习更加有趣,不妨使用一些看起来傻傻的记忆方法来帮助他们更好地拼写。

For example, when differentiating between “dessert” and “desert,” always remember that the tasty “dessert” has an extra “s” because you always want one more! While simple, these can be some of the most powerful memory tools available. 


Reading Apps – Technology is integrated wholly into our curriculum at YCIS Beijing, and parents should strive to use this powerful tool at home as well. Beyond the ubiquitous Kindle and the limitless range of books that this reading companion offers, there are more and more apps that “gamify” reading and spelling available on mobile devices. 

阅读应用 – 新科技已经完整融入了北京耀中的课程,我们建议家长在家里也积极使用这个强大的工具。除了无处不在的Kindle阅读器和它提供的各种各样的书籍之外,现在有越来越多的带有游戏性质的阅读和拼写的手机应用软件。

Make sure to test them yourself before letting your children use them, but don’t write them off just because they’re in the form of a game; reading and spelling practice is valuable, no matter the form!


Get the rest of Jennifer’s useful tips on how to enhance your child’s spelling by tapping “Read more” below!


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