
From Russia with Love... And Four Children 有爱的俄罗斯六口之家

2017-09-08 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

With the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, we’ve welcomed hundreds of new members into the YCIS Beijing family. Hailing from more than 40 countries and all corners of the globe, we’ve certainly maintained our reputation as one of the most truly international schools in Beijing.


This week, we’d like to share the story of Irina and Evgeniy Dementyev who have joined YCIS Beijing from Russia with their four children. Having lived in China for more than 15 years, the Dementyev family are already well-seasoned expats; they share with us what they love about Beijing, about YCIS Beijing, as well as stories of their children and what they feel China offers that they couldn’t get back home.

这周,我们想和大家分享来自俄罗斯的Irina 和Evgeniy夫妇及他们四个孩子的故事。Dementyev家庭在北京已经生活15年了,是经过千锤百炼的外籍家庭。他们将和我们分享他们热爱北京、北京耀中国际学校的原因,以及他们认为只有在中国才能得到的经验及知识。

Could you please introduce yourselves?


Our names are Irina and Evgeniy Dementyev.  We’re originally from Irkutsk, Russia, though we’ve been living in China for more than 15 years.  We have four children, (all of whom were born in China!); we’re one big friendly, happy family!

我们是Evgeniy 和Irina。我们来自俄罗斯,在中国生活已经15年了。我们有四个孩子,都在中国出生。我们是一个友善的、幸福的大家庭。

To read more of the Dementyev’s story, please tap “Read more” below.


[NEW TEACHER] Seamus Thomson: Y3's New "Big Friendly Giant" 三年级友善的新巨人

[INTERVIEW] YCIS Beijing Community: A Growing Family 日渐壮大的耀中社区

[NEW FAMILY] A New Family's Take on Beijing [采访] 初到北京的新家庭

