
"I" is for Instrument, "G" is for Guzheng “I”是乐器,“G”是古筝

2017-09-15 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=f0550usqyip&width=500&height=375&auto=0At Yew Chung International School of Beijing, teachers have long used cross-subject integration to help students see the parallels between subject disciplines. The most prominent example of this is the YCIS Beijing Co-Teaching Model, in which English and Chinese language and culture are equally respected and valued. Yet cross-subject integration is also happening in other subject areas, where students explore the common themes and connections between subject matter.   


One of the most recent examples of this is in the YCIS Beijing Year 1 class, where students have been exploring the sounds and rhythms of the alphabet using objects found in the music room. Helen Zhang, Primary Music Teacher at YCIS Beijing, explains how music is being used to supplement students’ language acquisition, and offers tips for parents to encourage their child’s appreciation of music.


To read Ms Zhang’s full interview, please tap “Read more” below.


[MUSIC] Incredible Instruments in Primary Music Classes

[TEACHER PROFILE] Primary Music Teacher Anne Dwyer

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