
What Study Environments Best Boost Results? 研究显示环境能促进学业成绩?

2017-09-15 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

In hoping to provide our children with the best possible education, emphasis is often given to choosing the right curriculum or finding a school that boasts impressive test scores. Though while it’s certainly important to examine these factors, there’s another necessary, and often overlooked, consideration that greatly impacts student learning and achievement – the environment.


Anecdotal evidence has long suggested a link between learning environment and learning outcomes, yet research is now more and more supporting those claims.  A recent study at The University of Salford even found that the classroom environment can affect students' learning and academic progress by as much as 25%.


But what does this mean for teachers and parents?  How can learning environments be shaped to best nurture students and improve learning outcomes?  Devreaux Poole, Learning and Teaching Coordinator at Yew Chung International School of Beijing, explains what actions can be taken in classrooms and at home to provide students with the environment most conducive to deep learning and growth.

这对老师和家长意味着什么?该如何塑造学习环境教导学生并提高学习成绩? 北京耀中国际学校学习及教学主管Devreaux Poole进一步阐释,我们其实可以在家和课室中为学生提供有益于学生深层学习及成长的环境。

To read Mr Poole’s tips, and to learn more about how optimized learning environments can boost student achievement, please click “Read more” below.

想了解Devreaux Poole提供的优化学习环境的温馨提示,请点击“阅读原文。”

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