
Founder's Day Highlights 85 Years of Community 85周年校庆

2017-10-20 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=d0563wg1snp&width=500&height=375&auto=0Last week, Yew Chung International School of Beijing celebrated Founder’s Day, marking the 85th Anniversary of the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF).  


Though it began as a single kindergarten class in Hong Kong in 1932, YCEF has since grown into one of the world’s largest school networks with 34 campuses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the US, providing education for students from kindergarten through Primary school, Secondary school, and even bachelor’s degree programmes in education.


But what exactly is the annual Founder’s Day celebration, and how does it help students and staff throughout the school network to feel a sense of togetherness and a common shared purpose? Don Collins, Head of Secondary at YCIS Beijing, shines further light on the event and the meaning of Founder’s Day.

那么,我们是怎么庆祝每年的校庆,使得各个校区师生员工都能感受到团结的氛围及我们共同的目标呢?北京耀中国际学校中学部校长Don Collins将和大家分享此次活动的亮点及校庆日的意义。

10,000 Cheers & 10 Seconds of Spirit


One of the most important activities every Founder’s Day is the live broadcast connecting schools and students throughout the foundation. Led by two student emcees from the YCIS Hong Kong Secondary campus, the video feed is watched by more than 10,000 students and staff who, when their school is called, stand, wave and cheer enthusiastically for “10 Seconds of Spirit” in order to greet their sister schools.


To learn more about Founder’s Day, and to see more than 800 photos of the event, please click "Read more" below.


[ANNIVERSARY] YCEF 85th Anniversary Music Competition 耀中教育机构85周年音乐比赛

[FOUNDER'S DAY] 2016 Founder's Day Gallery

[PHOTOS] First Day Photo Album! 开学照片集锦!

