
YCEF 85th Anniversary Music Competition 耀中教育机构85周年音乐比赛

2017-09-22 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

This year, the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF) is proud to celebrate its 85th Anniversary. First founded as a kindergarten in Hong Kong in 1932, Yew Chung has since grown into one of the largest school networks in China, with more than 10,000 students now a part of the Yew Chung International School (YCIS) and Yew Wah International Education School (YWIES) families.


In order to celebrate this monumental achievement, YCEF is holding an 85th Anniversary Gala Concert this spring. Primary and Secondary students throughout the school network will be able to audition to perform in the concert, undergoing a series of recorded video rehearsals from which the winners will be selected.

为庆祝这个有纪念意义的 一刻,耀中教育机构将在明年春天举行85周年庆典音乐会。小学生和中学生会提前在一系列的视频彩排中竞演,获胜者将在音an 乐会中表演。

During the past 85 years, YCEF has continually built upon its existing programmes and curriculum, while evolving to better provide for its students. Schools must modify, adapt and improve their services over time, and the Gala Concert also highlights this commitment towards growth, as it’s the first time that students from YCIS and YWIES schools will join for a Foundation-wide concert.


Daniel Pearton, Head of The Arts at Yew Chung International School of Beijing, explains more about the Gala Concert, as well as exciting new changes to YCIS Beijing’s own Arts Programme and the opportunities on offer for students.

Daniel Pearton老师是北京耀中国际学校的艺术部主管,他和我们分享了更多有关此次音乐会的信息,我校艺术部门新的变化和改进,以及为学生提供更多的表演机会。

To read Mr Pearton’s remarks, please tap “Read more” below.


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