
Overcoming Shyness with Music 用音乐战胜羞怯

2017-09-15 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

In this edition of Student Blogs, we speak with Year 13 student Liyong Wong, recipient of the Yew Chung International School of Beijing Performing Arts Scholarship, about the scholarship process and tips for students looking to apply.


Also, as a member of the popular student rock band CHROMA, Liyong shares how he first became interested in music, the story of his favourite performance, and what he plans to do after graduation.


Please Introduce Yourself.


I’m Liyong, from Malaysia. I’m 18 this year, and I’ve been living in Beijing since 2008 when we moved from Kuala Lumpur. I’ve been a student at YCIS Beijing since Year 4.


What first got you interested in the arts?


It was music. I really enjoyed listening to all sorts of music when I was young. I didn’t know what it was at that time, I just knew I liked it. Because of this, I started learning guitar, and then my passion for music grew.  


Can you tell us about CHROMA?


I’m now a part of a student rock band, CHROMA, which is fun because the people I play with are really good. There’s two singers, Katie Zhang and myself, and we alternate between duets and singing individually. We’ll decide which songs we’re going to perform, and then we match the vocals with which type of voice would best fit that song.


Eager to read the rest of Liyong’s interview, please click “Read more” below.


[STUDENT BLOG] Zach Conquers Skills Week 初中部技能学习周

[STUDENT BLOG] What I've Learned from Living in Beijing 我在北京的生活经验

[CHROMA] YCIS Beijing's Hottest Student Band 北京耀中国际学校最热辣的乐队

