
Seasonal Cures for Holiday Homesickness 欢度假日的建议

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

For international school students living in Beijing, there are countless reasons to be excited each day. Waking up to a city with 20 million people, 3,000 years of history, fabulous food and cultural sites – there’s always something new for students to learn and discover. 


Yet at the same time, Beijing may not be the place that students most associate with the word “home”.  Coming from countries all over the world, they leave behind family, friends, and a familiarity with what the day ahead will hold. 


During the holiday season, expat students may become especially prone to feelings of homesickness.  Even if families have plans to return home during the break, much of the holiday fun is in the weeks of anticipation before the actual day – when the holiday spirit permeates the community. 


Hayley Edge, Humanities teacher at Yew Chung International School of Beijing, offer ideas and advice to help students ward off the potential for homesickness and to celebrate the holidays in full during their time abroad. 

北京耀中国际学校的人文老师Hayley Edge为同学们提供了一些在海外欢度节日的建议,帮助学生减轻潜在的思乡情结。

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