
Chinese Corner: Preparing for the Year of the Dog 中国角落:瑞犬迎春

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

Fresh off the amazing activities and student performances during the Christmas season, it's now time to celebrate another important holiday at Yew Chung International School of Beijing - the Chinese New Year! As the two biggest events on the academic calendar, YCIS Beijing's commitment to a bicultural environment is on full display during these two special winter holidays.


For the past month, as a part of their Chinese language and culture classes, students have been engaged in lessons about the history and customs of the Chinese New Year - providing them greater context for the celebrations soon to take place around the world. 


What better way to learn about Chinese culture than through the study of its most important holiday? Nikki Liu, Chinese Teacher at YCIS Beijing, explains more about the foods, the symbols, and the traditions of this 5,000-year-old event, as well as the ways in which students learned about and prepared for the upcoming Year of the Dog.

学习中国最重要的节日是理解中国文化的一个很好的办法。北京耀中国际学校中文教师Nikki Liu进一步介绍了这个有5000年历史的节日,例如节日饮食,标志和节日传统,以及学生们可以如何学习并为即将到来的"狗年"做好准备。

To learn more, please click "Read More" below.


[LEARNING CELEBRATIONS] Celebrating Chinese Learning 庆祝中文学习

[BICULTURAL HOLIDAYS] Perfect Bilingual Books for Holiday Gifts 双语书籍是完美的假期礼物

[CHINESE CULTURE] Peking Opera Shows Students a Local Treasure 京剧为学生打开了一扇通往北京的宝藏

