
Parenting with Emotional Intelligence 您的情商决定孩子的家庭教育

YCISBeijing 2019-05-16

On Wednesday, School Counsellor, Rachel George, led a workshop on “Parenting with Emotional Intelligence”. 

周三,学校顾问Rachel George主持了一场关于“您的情商决定孩子的家庭教育”的工作坊。

Emotions are a source of information that can help us understand ourselves. The workshop was designed to help parents understand the reasons behind their own emotions and, in turn, address those of their children.


We ask Rachel to share five tips to help parents and families become more emotionally intelligent.


1. Have a calming strategy 


In the moment, when our emotions surge, it is hard to identify the real cause. I recommend implementing a calming strategy. Taking deep breaths, getting a drink of water, finding a quiet space, or casting your mind to happy thoughts or places can be helpful. When you are feeling calmer, you can start to process your emotions, asking yourself – or your child – why they reacted in that way to work out underlying causes.


2. Take their temperature 


If your child is struggling to manage their emotions, or seems withdrawn, “take their temperature” during the day. By that I mean: ask them how they are feeling. This might be in the car on the way to school, on the way to a party, or an exam. 


I suggest also sharing your own feelings too. Perhaps you’re feeling worried or down. Tell them, explain why, and give them time to respond. 


To continue reading Rachel’s tips, click “Read more” below.


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