
Transitioning Back to School | 准备重返校园

As life slowly seems to be getting back to normalcy and we begin to think (or dream) about the reopening of school, many of us may have a few questions; How will my child feel about going back to school? How do I help to ensure they are emotionally ready to handle a normal school routine? Rachel George, YCIS Beijing’s School Councilor, shares some strategies with parents on how they can help smoothen the transition from online learning to the classroom in the near future.

生活似乎在慢慢恢复正常,我们开始思考(或者想象)学校复课的样子,我们中的许多人可能会有几个问题:我的孩子对重返学校有什么感觉?我怎样才能确保他们在情绪上已经准备好应付正常的学校生活呢?Rachel George,北京耀中的学校顾问,与家长们分享了一些策略,关于在不久的将来应该如何帮助孩子们从在线学习平稳过渡到课堂学习。

1.Check-in with self.

1. 自我审视

It is important to recognize that collectively we are all experiencing what experts call a traumatic event, one which threatens the safety of ourselves or those we care about. How our children experience such an event depends heavily on the emotional reactions of the supportive adults in their lives. It is important to check in with yourself and ask these questions: How am I feeling about the current world situation? Am I anxious or confident? Digging a little deeper into your own feelings and managing them before working with your child can help to ensure a more productive transition back to school.


2.Ask. Then Listen. 

2. 询问并且倾听

Open the conversation by asking your child how they feel about school reopening try not to ask leading questions such as: Are you excited about school starting? Instead, you can say: Tell me your thoughts about school reopening. One activity is to use a list of emotions and ask them to choose the ones to match how they are feeling. Do they choose words such as excited and happy, or do they choose anxious and scared? Whatever the choice, explore the feeling a little deeper and listen to any fears they may have

通过询问孩子对学校复课的感受来开启对话,尽量不要问一些引导性的问题,比如:你对开学感到兴奋吗? 您可以说:告诉我你对学校复课的看法。一个方法是列出一个情绪清单,让孩子选择一个与他们的感觉相匹配的。他们是选择“兴奋”和“快乐”这样的字眼,还是选择“焦虑”和“害怕”这样的字眼?无论他们选择什么,深入探索这种感觉,倾听他们可能正在经历的恐惧。

3.Honour their feelings. 

3.  尊重他们的感受

If your child is feeling anxious or fearful- it is OK.  Validate their feelings by telling them you understand why they may feel that way. Remain calm and assure them that school is a safe place. After a traumatic event, children may lose a sense of security. They may become untrusting of the world around them. By assuring them that school is a safe place with caring adults, it may help to alleviate some anxiety. 


To read more of Miss George’s tips, click the “Read More” button below.


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