
YCIS Beijing to Celebrate a Quarter Century | 北京耀中庆祝建校25周年

YCIS Beijing to celebrate a quarter century of innovation and excellence.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Yew Chung International School of Beijing. Exciting events and activities are planned for our school community to celebrate this landmark event on Friday 9 October at our Honglingjin campus. Since its establishment, our school has evolved significantly but at its core, our values have remained unchanged.

A nurturing Yew Chung legacy 

YCIS Beijing is part of a network of schools founded in 1932 in Hong Kong by Madam Tsang Chor-hang, an ardent educator. When she founded the school at the young age of 16 her vision was guided by her values and principles as she sought to offer students a global perspective and to stretch education beyond classroom walls.

This can be seen in the school’s various programmes including Character Education, a focus on the arts and culture, and our Life Skills programme.

Second oldest campus in Beijing

Our Beijing campus is the second oldest international school in the capital. According to Chinese Vice Principal Dr Rae Wang, we have been privileged to witness both physical and societal changes in the city which are mirrored in the developments at school over the years.

“Today we may feel our education pedagogy is mainstream, but when we started 25 years ago, you can imagine what China was like,” she says. The country was going through a dramatic reform. We were pioneers in the introduction of a British curriculum.

Why teachers stay on for 18 years

The school’s longevity can be attributed to several aspects including its values and mission. In addition, the school’s innovative education has played a crucial role in retaining not only students but teachers as well.

Primary Chinese Vice Principal April Peng has been with the network for 18 years. The biggest factor in her long years of service is her identification with the school’s mission and motto, something underscored by Dr Mary Hayden in her book, titled, “An Introduction to International Education.” In this Dr Hayden recognises Yew Chung as a “unique grouping” of international schools.

For Primary Coordinator Jane Martuneac Kang, rapid professional development encouraged her to stay on with the school for 13 instructive years. “This is a school that promotes innovative practices,” she says.

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Promoting a sense of community is a focal aspect here, which is why Jonathan Mellen, a secondary coordinator, has had a 12-year run at the school. Having built good relationships over the years with globally dispersed students, he sees the value of total community development that starts with individual development.

Celebration can be hard work

Preparations are underway for the big celebration. Western Vice Principal Mr James Sweeney says our students are “working tirelessly” with the performing arts department to present a showcase to our sister schools – including Shanghai, Qingdao, Silicon Valley Chongqing, and YCCECE – via live streaming. 

Our staff sees a bright future for the campus and its community. 










小学中方副校长彭曼女士在耀中工作已有18年了,她决定继续在校工作的主要原因是她认同学校的座右铭和Mary Hayden博士在她的名为《国际教育概论》的书中所述的,她认为耀中是“世界上独特的国际学校群体”彭女士说。

对于小学部主管Jane Martuneac Kang来说,她在学校得到的学术上的专业发展坚定了她在校工作13年的决定。她说:“这是一所提倡创新实践的学校。”这在学习社区的实施中得到了很好的证明。

促进社区意识是我们学校关注的另一个方面,这就是为什么除了价值观和理念之外,中学部主管Jonathan Mellen在学校工作了12年的原因。多年来,他与来自全球各地的学生建立了关系,他看到的不仅是个人发展的价值,还有整个社区发展的价值。


周年庆典的准备工作正在进行,正如外籍副校长James Sweeney先生所说,多才多艺的学生们正与表演艺术部合作,在即将到来的社区范围的直播中向我们的姐妹学校包括上海、青岛、矽谷、重庆和耀中幼教学院展示他们的才艺。


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