
Excellent IB Results with Top Scorer丨北京耀中收获IB状元、榜眼、探花

Excellent IB Results 

with Top Scorer


We are thrilled to announce that our talented YCIS Beijing students have again secured world-beating International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) results and received a 100% pass rate for the 16th straight year.

Moreover, Harune Mori earned 45 points which is the maximum possible score for the diploma, while three other students (Vera Parco, Yi Xuan Wang, and Yiguo Yu) scored 44 points. Furthermore, another 31% of the cohort scored 43 and above while 59% of the cohort received a bilingual diploma.

Harune Mori同学取得了满分45分,其他三位同学Vera Parco、王诣轩和于艺果取得了44分的高分。与此同时,我们59%的学生获得双语文凭,近三分之一的学生成绩达到43分及以上。

Commenting on the results, our IB Coordinator, Jonathan Mellen, said:

"This year, our IB results are simply fantastic. Words cannot express my gratitude to our school's teachers. I'm incredibly proud of all our students. We not only passed our IB review this year with flying colors, but we have finished the school year with excellent results which is a testament to the character of all the stakeholders at our school."

We are so proud to be able to help our students thrive and set the foundations for successful future careers. The past few months have been challenging for Beijing, especially for people living in the Chaoyang district. The incredible IB results have made all the years of hard work worth it.

Our YCIS students are real heroes. They dug deep to showcase their depth of character and achieve their full potential, led by eminent teachers who switched seamlessly between online, hybrid, and in-person teaching to ensure any restrictions did not compromise student aspirations. Our graduates have secured places at prestigious universities worldwide, including the University of British Columbia in Canada, the University of Waterloo in Canada, the University of Boston in America, the University of Edinburgh in the UK, the University of Sophia in Japan, and the University of Einthoven in the Netherlands.

我们的学生充分发扬耀中精神,认真努力以发挥自己最大的潜力 ,争做最好的自己!同时也感谢我校杰出的老师们,他们无缝切换线上、线下等教学方式,确保无论面对任何挑战都能帮助学生顺利达成目标。此外,今年的毕业生还获得了世界顶尖大学的录取通知,包括加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学和滑铁卢大学、美国的波士顿大学、英国的爱丁堡大学、日本的上智大学和荷兰的埃因霍芬大学。

Congratulations to our talented YCIS students. We are convinced they are well prepared and are now ready to head towards a promising future.

YCIS Beijing is known for its international curriculum, promoting bilingualism, creative expression, individual growth, and a spirit of community service. 


If you want to know more about YCIS Beijing, you are welcome to make an appointment with our Admission team by scanning the QR code below.


