
编织空间艺术 | 广州时代紫林

BOX盒子实践 景观周 2021-02-03

▼Indoor courtyard effect/室内庭院效果 


Weave the space with the greatest spirituality



The project is located in Furong Avenue, the central axis of CBD in Huadu District, Guangzhou. It is surrounded by mountains in the south, East and north, and factories in the northwest. The surrounding environment is chaotic. The site is adjacent to Furong Avenue. There is only one 10-metre wide road to the project site.

▼Project effect/项目效果


In the design of this project, the key point of our thinking and design is how to create an interface with a clear effect on the existing entrance interface? How should the base integrate with the surrounding environment? What is the best state in the future? How to better control the cost and reduce the time cost.

▼Aerial view/鸟瞰图 


The project is a gray modern style, with broken lines and asymmetric forms, combined with different shades of stone to form a deep and dark contrast, showing a staggered weave art sense, which makes the overall form space more tension. 


The overall surrounding environment treatment of the exhibition area is to use the fencing board for line-of-sight management, in order to continuously green planting near the unsatisfactory landscape shielding. The spiritual fortress of the tall image at the entrance is obvious. The narrow entrance interface contrasts with the magnificent landscape inside. The whole exhibition area creates two different kinds of experience, one is the entrance landscape, the other is the open experience landscape in the parking lot into the sales department model.

▼Spiritual Fortress/精神堡垒


The spiritual fortress is set in a striking position

▼Sales Plaza/售楼前广场


In the front of the sales office, through the arrangement of space sequence and line of sight organization, the natural scenery is introduced into the room by using the form of broken lines and homogeneous materials. Waterscape, the front is a rest platform for rest. The combination of waterscape and external pendulum makes its dynamic and static rhyme harmonious.

▼Small courtyard/小庭院

▼Leisure garden/休闲花园


In the leisure garden, you can walk freely, stop and stay, and enjoy yourself. Space block makes people better sense the communication and resonance between space and nature, and gives people different levels of sensory and spiritual experience.

▼Master Plan/平面图



Name | 项目名称:Times ZiLin |时代紫林Location | 项目地点:HuaDu, GuangZhou | 广州花都Client | 项目业主:TIMES CHINA  |时代中国Owner Team | 业主团队:向杰  傅佳琪  王健铭  邹智洋  黄湘辉Construction Cost | 示范区平均造价:450元/平方米Lanscape Design | 景观设计单位 :BOX Studio 盒子实践 (BOX博克斯林景观事务所)刘样多  赖志昆  林俊健  洁婷  李海涛  高建德  林思娴Architectural Design | 建筑设计单位:GuangZhou ZhiHai Architectvral Design CO.,LTD /广州智海建筑设计有限公司Interior  Design |室内设计单位:Pro-Interior Design CO.,LTD /广州相伦装饰设计有限公司Sculpture Design |雕塑设计:CPCART/品辰艺术Landscape Construction Unit| 园林景观施工单位广州市荔湾荔枝湾艺术园林有限公司Photography Team |摄影团队:Before Photography/前方空间摄影 罗志宗 Special thanks|特别鸣谢:TIMES CHINA/时代中国





2020年5月19个精品项目合集| 景观周发布



